chapter 21: the San Diego Police Department.

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at the police station, we see jacob's car park in front of it with zuzu next to jacob, after he picked her up when he told her angel dust went missing, exit the car, along with everyone else and as they enter the building, they see a bunch of cops doing what they usually do, paperwork, finding criminal records, eating donuts and drinking coffee, that kind of stuff and as we see the group walk around, some cops noticed charlie and vaggie, but ignored them as they continued their work as jacob said to the two demonesses

jacob: don't worry, they won't hurt or arrest you if you do something bad.

charlie: ok.

vaggie: thanks for the heads up.

they said to the human as they walked around more and found who they were looking for

jacob: denver?

he said to the cop, who knew his dad before he died

denver: jacob? come here, guy.

he said as he hugged jacob

denver: i haven't seen you in forever.

jacob: yeah, it has been over 10 years since we last saw each other.

he said as denver stopped hugging him as he sees charlie and vaggie

denver: so who are the two ladies?

jacob: oh right. denver, this is charlie and vaggie. girls, this is denver, he knew my dad before he died years ago.

denver: it's true, we were like brothers growing up. and charlie, is it? you wouldn't happen to be related to that luke guy we saw on the news, right?

he said as the group's eyes widened at hearing him say that, but hoped that he's like mr. mertens and ms. vailna when they found out about the two

charlie: yeah, he's my dad.

denver: well, it's nice to meet you, and you too vaggie.

vaggie: (nervous) same.

zuzu: wait, you're not afraid like ms. vailna when she found out?

she said as denver said

denver: oh come on now, you think us cops believe that kind of stuff they put in those horror movies and video games. that's just idiotic bullshit and everyone knows it. they only use that stuff to get money. but when everyone saw your dad and now know what your people really look like, us humans started to trust your kind because they didn't look scary at all.

he said as a female cop said

female cop: it's true, i think you two look adorable with john's kid right here.

she said as jacob, charlie and vaggie start to blush at hearing her say that as the other cops agree, even the chief of police

chief: i strongly agree on what she said.

she said as everyone smiled at them and resumed working

denver: so is there a reason why you're here, because if it's trouble, we'll help.

he said as adam spoke up

adam: well, there is one tiny problem.....some demon guy named angel dust is missing.

denver: missing? wait, why is he named after a drug?

jacob: believe me, i don't know why he's named after that.

charlie: same.

vaggie: uh huh.

denver: well, what does he look like?

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