chapter 85: halloween bloodfest. (part 9)

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it is now halloween as we see jacob getting ready and as he walked downstairs, he hears his sister marcy talking to someone and when he checked on her to see who she's talking to, he was shocked at what, or should i say who he's seeing marcy talking to and when the others walked in, coco said

coco: what's jacob looking it?

she asked to apple, who shrugged ''i don't know'' as zuzu said

zuzu: i think i know the answer.

she said as she pointed at who marcy is talking too and needless to say, they were shocked and were smiling at seeing marcy having a new friends and as she noticed jacob, his harem, and verosika's gang, she said

marcy: good morning guys.

vortex: morning, but, uh...who's this?

he asked as he referred to jack as marcy said

marcy: oh, this is jack.

she said as jack gave jacob a handshake, once they were done, he did some sign language at marcy as she said

marcy: he also said that he finished putting up the decorations and that he's the prince of halloween.

everyone: WHAT?!

josh: wait, how can you understand him?

he asked as katie showed up and said

katie: simple, marcy took classes that teach people sign language and how to translate it.

jacob; it's true, she even became a pro at it. also why is he here?

marcy: that part you won't like, he was chased by a demon killing zombie so that way halloween will be ruined. so he was hiding here until i met him yesterday. you know, when that 6th pumpkin was missing.

she said, making everyone, even jacob and zuzu shocked as jacob said

jacob: wait a minute, that was you?!

he said as jack nodded as zuzu said

zuzu: huh, that was kinda shocking that he camo'd himself into a regular pumpkin.

she said with an impressed smile and everyone starts eating breakfast

(at school)

After everyone ate their breakfast, jacob, zuzu, charlie, loona, crymini, apple, and octavia arrived at school and started working. after classes, we see the gang sitting with zuzu's friends and told them about who they met this morning and needless to say, zuzu's friends were shocked as bobby said

bobby: whoa, that's crazy.

denzel: yeah, why would they want to ruin our favorite holiday?

steve: don't know but let's just drop it and focus on the party tonight.

zack: agreed, or else there won't be a party next year.

loona: what do you mean, zack?

lucy: what he means is that every year, we have a famous band hosting at the halloween party, but they never came due to them being, quote and quote, ''busy''.

mabel: and the fact that waddles ate all the candy last year.

dipper: that too.

charlie: woah, hope my mom understands and she'll try to make it better than those disasters you had before we came along.

jacob: we hope so too.

he said as he continued eating his lunch.

(in downtown)

we see the zombie demon walking around and sees a gang with their new demon partners talking about stuff until the imp gang member spotted him and alerted his gang's partners as the leader walked over and said

gang leader: hey you, i think you should try something else, you almost look like solomon grundy from the DC comics, which i find cool but can you lose the horns? it's kind of offending my new gang members, am i right?

imp gangster: yep, totally.

he said as the other demon gangsters agree as the zombie growled at them as when he tried to walk past the gang, their new hellhound gangster blocked his path as the leader said

gang leader: hey we aren't done talking to-

he was cut off as the zombie demon grabbed the leader and threw him in a dumpster, which closed due to the impact as he said

gang leader: i'm hurt now.

he said in pain and when the zombie looked at the gang, they slowly backed away as the hellhound gangster said

hellhound gangster: on second thought, we're gonna run like cowards now.

he said as the gang started running away like said cowards and started screaming. but as for the zombie demon, he growled and continued walking away as the screen went dark

(end of chapter, hope you liked it and wish my brother a happy birthday today. and to clarify on the comments on my announcements regarding my brother's's not my birthday, my birthday is in january next year, just to clarify up top, hope you understand.)

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