Chapter 129: Ozzie's (part 1)

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After jacob, his harem & friends saved christmas, everyone was happy on christmas day and were even more happy that jacob reunited with his dad, even though he said he'll come back once a year on christmas. after christmas was new years as everyone was having a blast after the demon's human friends/co-workers told them about that day as it's about celebrating the last day on one year and the beginning of the next, which is 2023 as they stayed up to see the new years ball drop and when it did, the timer reached and fireworks fired at the sky as everyone was having a great time celebrating the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023.

but there was one holiday on february that everyone ''loved'' on that month, and it's valentine's day. the humans told their demon friends/co-workers about valentines day, about it being a holiday for lovers, they decided to try it out and let's just say....they LOOOOOVED it

now at school, we see jacob & the group (his freinds, and girlfriends who go to school with him) in the cafeteria eating lunch and are talking valentine's day

Jacob: you know something, this is probably our first valentine's day since, well, we're in a relationship with you girls.

he said as charlie smiled

charlie: yep, after you and the others told us about valentine's day, it made me happy that there's a holiday for couples.

she said while smiling adorable

zuzu: (chuckles) yep, but the hard part is that it's people who are trying to find love.

she said as she ate a piece of her salad

Jacob: also, loona. how's your hunger?

he asked as after they saved christmas, loona discovered a new power that after she eats a lot of food and get's fat, the fat turns into energy for loona to use so she can fight against anyone who tries to harm jacob, her loved ones, or to threaten the peace between humans & demons as loona has been trying to master it ever since she unlocked it

Loona: it's been getting better.

she said as she took a bite from her chicken leg as jacob nods and looks at his and zuzu's freinds

Jacob: what about you guys?

he asked to them

Bobby: i'm just gonna visit my grandparents for a while.

he said bluntly

Zack: family game night.

he said aslo bluntly

Steve: me and cherri have plans after she got promoted to being an official bomb maker, we're planning on blowing up a building tonight.

he said as he sees jacob & the gang look at him in shock

Steve: an abandoned building.

Jacob & the gang: (sigh in relief)

Jacob: what about you lucy?

he asked to lucy, who looks sad

Lucy: tried finding a guy, but no luck.

she said as she looked down

Dipper: me and mabel are just gonna have a family movie night.

Mabel: yeah, and it's boring.

she said as she pouted

Octavia: how so?

she asked as mabel got up and whispered the answer into her ear hole, making her eyes widen after hearing it

Octavia: oh...sorry i asked.

then suddenly, apple got a notification from her phone, meaning she got a text and as she looked at it, she gasped in delight and squealed in joy, like an anime fangirl

Apple: jacob, verosika just texted me saying we got invited to ozzie's.

Zack: ozzie's that's awesome. (looks at steve) who's ozzie?

he asked as steve shrugged ''i don't know''

Apple: oh, i forgot to tell you. ozzie's is a club for couples only and it's very popular. because of that, it's always booked up and hard to get in.

she explained as jacob, zuzu & their friends smiled, but zuzu realized something

Zuzu: wait, do you even know who own's that club?

she asked to apple

Apple: the owner's name is asmodeous.

she said the owner's name, making them puzzled

Bobby: who?

he asked in confusion

Apple: he's the owner & founder of that club. not only that, he's also an overlord.

Dipper: a what now?

he asked, having no idea what an overlord is

Octavia: they're just powerful demons that no one has ever defeated before, well, except jacob & zuzu since they defeated Valentino & Vox a while back and since their deaths were all over the news a while back, all overlords were on edge.

she explained

Jacob: that's right, and if those two try anything on us, me and zuzu will do the same thing we did to vox & valentino, also apple, i hope you, verosika & the others have a great time at ozzie's.

he said as apple grew a blush and a nervous expression

Apple: actually, we we're the only ones who got, zuzu and the other girls got invited too.

she said, making jacob, zuzu, charlie, loona & octavia shocked and look at apple

Jacob & Zuzu: you serious?

they both asked in unison as apple nodded

Jacob: huh..well i guess this will be me and zuzu's first time going to there.

he said

Zuzu: yeah, it bet it'll be great.

she said with a smile

Apple: well, we do have something to warn you about, but i think i'll text her to say if you agree on going there, ok?

she asked as jacob & zuzu look at charlie, loona & octavia

Jacob: do any of you have plans tonight?

Zuzu: yeah, do you?

they both asked

Octavia: bitch queen went to see her family, that's what my dad told me, meaning i have no plans tonight.

Charlie: same, my mom said she wanted alone time today.

they both said as jacob looked at apple

Jacob: tell verosika that me and the rest of my harem are coming to ozzie's and don't worry, me and zuzu will bring our gauntlets just in case something goes wrong, even protecting charlie too.

he said as charlie smiled adorably

Charlie: aw, that's so sweet of you.

she said as she and jacob kissed on the lips and then he sees loona texting to someone

Jacob: hey loona, are you texting to vortex?

he asked

Loona: yep, just asked him if he and his girlfriend wanted to go to ozzie's tonight.

she said

Jacob: ok, maybe i can take him and his girlfriend and bring you with me, like a double date in the future if you agree with it.

Loona: deal.

she said as they both shake hands and the gang resumed their conversation

end of chapter, hope ya'll liked and, i know this is early, HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY Everyone.

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