chapter 31: meeting crymini. (part 4)

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(port of san diego's cargo & trade)

we see a cargo ship entering the docks of san diego as crymini was on a cargo crate watching both humans and demons working together and getting along as she sees an imp grab a rope and hooked it onto the ship, thus pulling it towards the bay to be parked, making the humans impressed at their new helper

human worker: so, 2 weeks of working with us and you've been doing good at the ropes, right robyn?

robyn: yep, the salary you give me is so much better than the one my old job has.

female human: yeah, unless an accident happens.

robyn: what do you mean?

male human: what she means is that i saw some videos of a person's vehicle getting wrecked because of crashes on a road, parking lot, or a neighborhood and that led to a lot of money for the damages to be repaired.

robyn: yeesh, that sucks.

male human: i feel ya, it does, but nobody got hurt in those accidents i saw on youtube.

robyn: that's good. now let's unload the cargo shipment we got, ok?

human workers: ok.

male human: also, after work, what are you planning on doing?

robyn: i don't know, i was planning on getting one of those ultra 4k widescreen tv's you humans have.

he said to his humam co-worker as crymini looked around the place as she sneaked out of the cargo bay as she passed a cat demon and fish demon talking about stuff

cat demon: so, what did you bring for lunch?

fish demon: just a tomato sandwich. you?

cat demon: nothing, just waiting for a food truck to arrive.

fish demon: a food what?

cat demon: it's basically a type of truck that sells food and travels from place to place. thought of trying it out.

fish demon: when does it arrive?

cat demon: just now.

she said as she brought out her wallet and walked over to the food truck, but as the fish demon looked at his sandwich, he started to get second thoughts as he said

fish demon: eh.

he shrugged as he put it up for later and walked over to the food truck to eat from the truck

meanwhile, we see crymini walking in the streets of san diego, looking around as she said

crymini: wow, this place looks great, and clean. huh?

she said as she spotted a bus and smiled but before she got on, she realized that she didn't have any money with her, so she had an idea jumping on top of it as music played

(play this while reading)

as the bus was driving, she spotted a clothes store, a place called ''dave n busters'', a movie theatre, a mall that's bigger than the one pentagram city has, an art museum, etc...

as she felt the bus stop, she jumped off and caused the humans to be suprised at her appearing from the top of the bus and walked around while hearing the humans talk about her

The convergence. (a HH/HB/Crossover harem X Human OC story) (1st HALF)Where stories live. Discover now