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"And you're just going to make a fool of yourself again," I reminded my best friend.

"Well, at least now I won't fall on my face," she stated. I chuckled lightly as I snaked through the sea of people.

When we finally reached the courtyard, I was relieved to see that it was only us two.

"Hayley, you seriously have to keep your balance when it comes to guys," I joked. Hayley glared at me a minute and laughed along with me.

"Starr, you honestly don't know how hard I try," Hayley said. "But, they're so hot and so. . . Ugh! They're so. . ."

"So. . . Stupid," I scoffed, finishing her sentence for her, regardless of what she was going to say.

"How can you say that?!" She screeched.

"Hayley, I don't understand why you like guys so much," I shrugged. "I mean, sure they're cute and everything, but don't you want to wait until you find the right one?"

"Starr, you're an amazing speech giver, but all I want to do is go up to Bryan Dacker and kiss him," Hayley gushed, nearly falling to ground.

"Oh look," I pointed out. "If it isn't the Mean Girls."

"Yeah, because Kennedy Swanson can so be Regina," Hayley sarcastically scoffed. I rolled my eyes as Kennedy and the rest of her clique walked past us, flipping their hair in the process.

"Well, at least Regina's pretty."

I walked over to the vending machine, placing a crisp dollar bill in and waited for my bag of chips to drop.

"Oh, how nice," Kennedy chuckled. "Looks like someone doesn't care about carbs." I rolled my eyes and walked back over to Hayley.

"I swear I can't stand her!" I grimaced.

"Starr, whoa, chill out," Hayley calmed me. "Let's just go to class." I nodded in agreement as we made our way back to English.


Hayley and I were just about to leave when a certain someone popped up.

"Hey, Bryan," I greeted him. Hayley looked back at me, and gave me a stern look.

"Hey, Starr," Bryan smiled back. "Do you mind if I talk to Hayley for a minute?" I shook my head and walked off. Minutes later, there was a squeal and my best friend jumping in the air.

After Bryan left the area, I went to investigate.

"What happened?" I chuckled, getting inside of the cherry red, 1978, Chevrolet.

"Bryan just asked me to go watch a movie with him this Friday!" Hayley informed me. I just smiled, and let her have her moment.

We drove back to my house, my mom and dad weren't at home, so it was just me and Hayley. When we pulled in the driveway, my sisters car was in the garage.

"Tiffany's here," I announced as I stepped onto the concrete floor.

When we walked inside, the rooms were filled with the giggles of a toddler.

"Tiffany!" I yelled. "I'm home."

"Living room!" Tiffany yelled back. I saw my sister, she was holding a hand over her swollen belly and laughing at something her daughter had just done.

"Ali!" I squealed. My niece looked up at me and smiled. I walked over to her and picked her up, adjusting her on my hip.

"So, how's the baby?" I asked.

"She's okay, we went to the doctor to check up on her," Tiffany replied.

After playing with Ali for a little bit, Hayley and I went to my room.

"So, I think we should start on-" I was cut off by Hayley's giggles. I looked at her and saw she was on her phone. "Hayley!"

"Huh? What?"

"Don't you realize we have exams in three weeks? We have to study for this."

"Sorry, I was just texting Bryan."

"It's okay, so. . . What first?" I asked. The exams were worth seventy percent of our grade, and if we don't pass at least three, we don't graduate.

"Physics," Hayley jumped excitedly.

For two hours, we studied. Well, mainly an hour because Hayley wouldn't stop texting Bryan long enough to tell me what Photosynthesis meant.

"It's 10:26 PM," I acknowledged.

"Yeah, I've gotta get going," Hayley replied, yawning in addition to that. "Well, I will see you at school tomorrow," Hayley said, bidding her goodbyes. I gave her a hug and watched as she backed out of the driveway.

"I'm going to bed," I told my parents. They nodded, told me they loved me, and I stomped up the steps.

I looked at myself in the mirror, and smiled hastily at my reflection. I washed my face and stalked over to my bed.

I checked my phone,

Unknown Number:

Goodnight Beautiful, see you at school tomorrow.

Who is this?

Unknown Number:


Leave me alone, Freak!


Finally starting this book!

And this is short.

Yay, I suck!

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