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It was like all the bodies were colliding together as they rushed past me to go into their selected classrooms. I couldn't help but feel left out, not because I didn't have a class with any of these people that I never spoke to, but because they experienced so many different things and I however, did not.

Hayley spoke to me this morning before rushing off to whatever direction Bryan was in. I just wanted to go back home, crawl in my bed and sleep for maybe ten years. I knew that it was impossible to even think about sleeping for 3,650 days, but it was something that I thought could be made possible if tried.

I ventured off into my first period class of the day, Cooking. I absolutely loved to cook, baking more so, but it was something that I always had a passion in doing.

Addison, my baking partner, was a good friend of mine. However, she was Kennedy's step-sister. But unlike Kennedy, Addison was actually a very nice person.

No, I honestly had no problem with Kennedy at the begging of Freshman year when I was transferred to this school. Sophomore year dragged along, and then there was a rumor spread among school that I had went on a date, and slept with Billy Schneider, which is untrue. I had never had feelings for a guy before, not even now, and I barely knew who Billy was - other than my Lab Partner. The rumor, however, was started by the one and only, Kennedy Reese Swanson.

Mrs. Adkins had given us our recipes for our baking today, and I saw that it was Marbled Pound Cake, something I'd heard of but never tried.

Addison squealed in excitement, "My granny used to make this all the time when I was little. It's amazing!"

I walked over toward the bakers rack, pulling down a pack of all-purpose flour, baking powder, sugar and other essentials that the recipe called for.

I followed the rules, step by step, and Addison watched as I poured the ingredients in the bowl. "You must love baking, huh?" Addison giggled.

Addison was giggly type of girl, usually after everything she said would end in a giggle of some sorts, the situation funny or not.

"I do," I agreed. "My mom and I would always bake in the kitchen together - mostly me - I've always had a love for baking, cooking is a bit different though. Cooking is something I enjoy, however I don't have a passion for it as I do baking." I babbled on and on about something that I'm sure Addison was paying no mind to, but she never once interrupted me, and that's what I liked about her.

I finally got all the ingredients mixed up, I put the finished product in the oven and waited until the timer dinged.

Seeing that Addison and I were the only ones finished, I decided to go to the bathroom. Mrs. Adkins allowed me to go, and I stalked off toward the girls bathroom.

When I was walking, I caught a glimpse of a pair of people walking down the corridor. I saw a male figure, a petite figure walking parallel to him. I'm guessing it was a girl. I heard snickering of a females voice but I didn't pay much attention to it.

As I finished up in the bathroom and walked out, I heard the muffled moans coming from a nearby closet on one side of the hallway. I went to investigate where the noise was coming from and opened the closet door slowly as the moans grew louder.

I cracked open the door and peeked inside. I was disgusted when I saw Kennedy Swanson all over a blonde in which I didn't recognize.

I closed the door quickly, it booming an echo across the school. I quickened my pace as I stepped back inside the girls bathroom, and waited until the door opened and closed again before exiting the cubicle.

When I heard the distant sound of a door closing, I stepped out of it. The blonde male, in which was the same one who had been in the closet with Kennedy and was walking down the corridor with her, was Ross Lynch.

Ross was a guy with a grotesque sense of humor, and everything about him sickened me a bit. He was quite attractive, nonetheless, but he had this bizarre talent of messing with other people's emotions.

Ross' face grew redder, in which his anger grew. You could tell by the look on his face that he was not happy with whoever opened the door and closed it, disappearing without a trace. Me.

He walked passed me, going in the opposite direction of the kitchen - in which is where I was returning to.

When I walked inside, I saw Kennedy's face in a bit of panic. "Starr! Hurry up, the timer just went of ten seconds ago!"

I hurriedly walked over to the oven, getting oven mitts and placing them onto my hands so I wouldn't get burned. I got the cake out of the oven and stared at it in admiration.

I checked to see if it was done, and sure enough, it was. I could tell by how spongey it looked, it was moist.

"Okay, Class," Mrs. Adkins spoke. The whole class' attention was on her now, as she was explaining to us about our baking. "Whenever your lunch period rolls around, you may come and get your pound cake, but do not get it before then." The bell rang, signaling that it was time for second period.


Three periods rolled around and it was finally time for lunch. Unluckily for me, I had lunch with Kennedy. I met up with Hayley, and we went to get our lunch.

I'm actually glad that I have fifth period lunch with Hayley, because Bryan has fourth period lunch, and if he had lunch with us, I'd be eating alone today.

"Hayley, I have something to tell you," I announced. Hayley looked at me and waited for me to continue. "Last night, before I went to sleep, some guy or girl texted me and when I asked who it was, they never told me."

I showed Hayley the messages and the look of confusion mirrored mine. "That could be anyone!" Hayley murmured, taking a bite of her hamburger.

I popped a chicken nugget in my mouth as I continued to figure out who texted me the night before. "Well, one things for sure, they sure don't know how to explain themselves." Hayley let out a small giggle as I stood up to throw my plate away.

I looked to see Ross, and I had heard from a girl in my chemistry class he was going to come talk to me about something in which I had no clue about. I knew he was going to try to be Romeo and whatnot, and he had a way with words when it came to girls.

"Don't let him fool you; he's a player," my conscience echoed in my head. I paid no mind to it, though.

I didn't know what to do once the blonde mop of hair was walking toward me, I turned around quickly with my lunch tray. I felt a hand on my shoulder and immediately froze.

"Hey, it's Starr, right?" Ross asked. I hesitantly nodded. "Come by my house later," Ross winked, turned, then walked away.

"Don't let him fool you; he's a player," I whispered.

"Move, Loser!" Someone yelled, then I found myself toppling over with my lunch tray. I looked up to find a wavy-haired brunette clicking her heels toward the trash.

I stood up, dusted myself off, and took my tray to the trash after picking it up.

"Sorry about that," I apologized.

"Oh, I saw you talking to Ross. Back off. He's mine, and plus, he wouldn't want an ugly loser like you, anyway," Kennedy breathed out. I felt the tears come, but I regained myself. She wasn't going to get to me, not this time.

I walked back over to Hayley, her eyes were full of sympathy. "You just saw what happened, didn't you?" Hayley nodded with sad eyes.

"Well, I just got invited over to Ross Lynch's house. For what? I'm not sure of."

"Is that why you got pushed over?" Hayley asked. I shrugged, because I didn't know.

The bell rang and I walked to my locker to grab my trigonometry book for my last lesson of the day.




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