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Without hesitation, I stepped back. I was in complete awe as Ross stared at me. He loved me - he loved me . . . Back . . ?

It was weird, his feelings were mutual to mine, and the look on his face proved it. I felt so many feelings toward this blonde individual, and I hated myself for it.

For years, I managed to shut everyone out, but Ross was different. He was something special. I knew I would be going through everything while sharing this love with him, but I didn't care.

For some reason - that I could not figure out - I felt that this was a hoax. All of the feelings he claimed to have could just go up in dust. I didn't want to be hurt by him.

"I'm not going to hurt you," Ross assured. I must have been speaking out loud.

"Well, either way, it would be an honor to be hurt by you." My words, they were stupid and irrelevant but they were true.

- -

"Black or white?" I asked. Ross had planned a night out, which I found completely cute. I was supposedly supposed to wear something formal, and right now, I was out of options for any other formal colour besides black or white.

Ross shrugged, which apparently showed that he didn't care nor would he. "Go white and black, a white blouse with a black skirt and some black shoes. Pumps, heels or flats would be your choice." I chose to listen to him and collected my things.

- -

I bounded down the steps and looked at Ross' attire. He had on a white button down with a black blazer. He didn't have on slacks, however, they were dark jeans. To top off his outfit, he decided to go with his Doc Martins, despite he wore his converse everywhere he decided to go.

We finally left and Ross gave me no clues as to where we were going. I was confused since he had told me to get dressed up and I knew that country clubs weren't his thing. So, after about forty-five, agonizing minutes of driving, we pulled up outside of a venue that seemed to had been vacant for years.

There were a couple of vehicles parked outside, and that only doubled my anticipation.

"Why are we here?" I finally decided to ask, and Ross looked at me.

"You'll find out soon, my dear." That's all he said, and now I was more confused, although scared would come up as a close second.

We walked inside, and there were people everywhere that surrounded each other into a circle. In every corner, there were either people talking or a couple making out - that disgusted me.

I turned back to face Ross, but he was gone. I quickly scampered to find him, but he was nowhere to be seen. There was a stage that I finally come to that had a stool, a microphone and an acoustic guitar sitting beside it.

Ross walked up onto the stage and a light shown onto his face.

"If I could have your attention please," Ross spoke, and everyone's attention fell on him. "I have a song for one special person out there - Starr." The music started playing and be started singing.


After finishing the song, he grabbed the microphone and hopped off the stage.

"Starr, these past couple of weeks have been hectic for me, but you've stuck by me. I honestly couldn't thank you enough for what you have done for me and what you continue doing."

Ross got down on one knee, and the tears wouldn't stop falling off of my face. He pulled out a small, velvet box and opened it. "Now, this isn't a marriage proposal, this is a different proposal. I want to give you this ring, in hopes you will promise to never give up on me up until the point where we grow more fond of each other. I want you to promise that you won't stop believing in me, because I swear I won't stop believing in you. I mostly want you to promise me that no matter what we go through, you will be here in the end."

"I promise," I wept. Ross slid the rind into my right ring finger, and stood up, pecking me on the lips.

"Now, will you do the honors in being my girlfriend?"

"I will!" I exclaimed and kissed his lips once more.

Just then, the door kicked open.

"Looks like your party is ending a little early, huh?" A blonde haired guy said, dumping the ashes of his cigarette onto the floor and blowing the smoke into the atmosphere.

"What are you doing here?" Ross grimaced.

"Don't worry, I won't be long, but I'm just here to take what's mine," the blonde snickered. He pointed at me and I trembled.

"Don't touch her!" Ross demanded.

"Don't worry, baby bro, I wont hurt her. I'll just have a bit of fun with her."

"Leave, Riker!"


pls forgive me for this horrible chapter and my horrible case of writers block. this is a bit of a filler up until i can actually get more inspiration.

sorry for not updating.

also, s/o to the chick that said she ships starr and ross, because that made me SUPER happy!

vote/comment bc you feel bad for my horrible chapter.

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