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It was the third night, and Starr still hadn't regained her memory. I cried. I am one of those guys that everyone gasps when they cry, as if a nineteen-year-old is one of the most astonishing thing anyone could ever see.

I paced - an unhealthy habit I've gained within the three days I've been stuck here. I paced back and forth in front of Starr's room, biting my nails down to the nub. I do realize that biting your nails is one of the grossest things you could ever do, but I'm stressed.

I ran my bony, nimble fingers through my blonde mop, taking in a breath and exhaling it. Tears escaped my eyes; all I wanted was for her to be better. I wanted Starr to wake up and remember exactly what we have done within the past couple of months.

A small smile appeared as I vaguely remembered the first time I'd ever met her.

"Can't you move?!" I heard the familiar voice of Kennedy screech. Whatever or whomever she was yelling at may have been trembling at this point.

"I-I'm sorry," a small voice whispered. I looked around at the girl, and she seemed scarred for her life.

The girl walked toward me, but she ignored my presence.

"Hey, I'm Ross," I said as I ran up to her.

"I'm new," the girl chuckled, putting her things in a locker that hadn't been used all year. "My name's Starr. I just moved here today, and I'm getting into the swing of things."

"Well, Starr, welcome to-" Kennedy's loud squeal cut me off, and she yanked me toward her.

"Don't talk to nobody's like her. I've told you this." Before I got the chance to strike up a conversation, Kennedy pulled me into a nearby closet and forced herself onto me.

I frowned at the memory. I wanted to sob at how horrible I was for leaving her, when I knew that I loved her.

The doctor had walked up to me, and he frowned.

"What is it?!"

"Well, it looks like Miss Johnson will have to undergo a surgery," the doctor had informed me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, a lump forming in my throat.

"Well, whenever she had hit her head and you guys brought her here, we had to do a full body scan. We found something on her kidney."

"What did you find?!" I cried.

"We are unsure of that as of now, Mr. Lynch. But you may go see her; she's sleeping, though."

I didn't care if she were sleeping or not, I took my chance. And like the doctor had said, she was sleeping. I began to cry as I walked up to her resting body.

"Hey, baby," I said through my tears. "I know you're sleeping and I know you can't hear me, but I want you to know that I am so in love with you. I'm in love with your smile, your freckles that align the bridge of your nose, and your small chuckle whenever I accidentally drop an ice cube onto the floor because I drop it into my cup and I miss it - I purposely do that because I know it makes you happy for a split second. I'm in love with the shocking look on your face whenever you watch your favorite show and your favorite character dies. I love your tears whenever you look up to the moon and it's full, and you cry because it symbolizes a piece of your childhood. Mainly, I am in love with the way you love me. You don't show much, but you show enough. God, Starr, I hope you get better soon, and I need you to remember me. I don't know how someone could ever harm you, because I will do everything I can to protect you. Please, don't give up on me, on us, on yourself, and most importantly . . . Life."

I grabbed her hands. They were cold, and her nails matched the way my heart feels right now - black. I continued my rant for a little longer before I kissed her forehead and laid on her chest.

I don't remember much after that, because soon after, I was out.


I hadn't noticed that I didn't post this part, lol. but I'm going to post this & then repost chapter 13

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