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     "Why does your face look like that?" Olufemi, Denise's friend asked him, as he walks into his friends house and saw him frowing and starring at his phone.

" Nothing" Denise said to him, "So you don't knock any more" Denise asked Femi.

 " Well the door was open" Femi replied him, " So I saw no need to knock" he added, as he walks towards Den's fridge, opened it and took a cold can of Coca-Cola. He turned around and saw Denise looking at him.

 "What!?" Femi asked.

 " Well, it's your house, not mine. That's why when you walked in, you went straight to my fridge and took a coke, without asking me. I guess I will just ask you to make yourself at home" Denise said sarcastically.

   " Well it's my home anyway. Your house is my house", Olu told Denise, " And who made you angry, because I'm sure it isn't me ?" Olu asked him surprised at Den's tone.

   " I'm not angry" Denise told him.

  " Okay" Olu said and open the soft drink and drank from the can.

" Just great, no apology?" Denise asked.

  " I didn't do any thing wrong, that person you are calling did" Olu said after seeing Denise try a particular number, that he was looking at when Olu walked in.

  " So what gives?" Olu asked him, " I have never seen you like this before,So worked up " He added.

  " Non of your business" Denise stated.

  On seeing that Olu would ask further, Denise decided to speak out.

" Well it's just a girl I met " Den told him.

" Hmm, my friend is finally in love" Olu said with excitement.

" Oh shut up!, it's not love. I just met her today for goodness sake" Denise said in defense.

" Okay, whatever you say" Olu pretended to agree with him, " So who is she?" He asked.

" Well she is a teacher in my sisters school" He informed him reluntantly.

" You like a teacher in your sisters school, that's big "Olu commented.

  " No, I didn't say I like her. Please don't quote me wrong. I said I just met her" Denise said in his defense.

" If you don't like her as you say" Olu said with an air quote, " Why are you angry she is not picking up your call and by the way,how did you get her number?" Olu asked him, " Did she give it to you ?" He added.

" No!" Denise replied.

" Then How?" Olu asked.

" I have my ways" Denise told, feeling good about himself.

" Well I hope you are not stalking her, because how can you get her number, if she didn't give it to you" Olu said

" Why would you say that?" Denise asked in outrage, " What do you take me for?" He shouted.

" Is that the type of person you think I am. After so many years of friendship?" Denise asked.

" Sorry, but stranger things have happened. What people wouldn't do for love?" Olu told .

" This is not love. We just met" Denise protested.

" I will say you are protesting too much" Olu jokes with him.

" Please just keep quite" Denise warns.

"So what's the name of my future sister-in law?" He asked him, trying to get the truth from him.

"Her name is Chelsea" Denise said absent mindedly, without thinking about the question.

" Well so it's love at first sight." Olu commented, getting it that Denise was not still catching on that he was trying to get the truth from him, with trick questions. Since Denise's mind was else where( He was still trying to dail her number). But this time around it didn't work, because Denise caught on.

" You!." Denise exclaimed, " You tricked me" He shouted.

" Yes, I sure did" Olu laughed.

" Stop for a moment " Denise tries to stop Olu from laughing, Since Chelsea just pick the call, " She just picked" Denise told Olu as he uses his hands to cover the speaker of his phone, so that Chelsea wouldn't hear him say that.

" Bang the door as you live and remember to drop my spare key, bye" Denise told Olu, as he goes towards his room to pick the call.

" Tell my sister-in-law, I said Hi" Olu shouted out him, " And you don't have to tell me twice. I was about to take my live, since I'm not needed here anyway. And for your information I'm beat, work today was exhausting." He told Denise.

" Bye" Denise shouted back, as he enters his room and locks the door.

  " Okay, Bye. I'm going, see you at work tomorrow" He said out loud, " FYI, I only came for the refreshment" He added as he left.

 ( Pls like, vote, read and follow, Thanks. I love you all and wish you heaven's best🥰😍🤩)

Chelsea; My Big, Fat, Fabulous Love By Nwachukwu Christopher Ishioma AvwerosuoWhere stories live. Discover now