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After talking to her mum, Chelsea decided to call Dennis as she got to her shop.
“ Hello, Good morning” She said after Dennis picked the call.
“ Hi, Good morning” Dennis replied,” How are you?” He asked.
“ I’m fine and you?” She asked , “ How was your night?” She asked stalling.
“ It was fine and yours?” He answered and asked.
“ It was fine too” She answered, “ And I hope your day is going fine?” She added.
“ Yeah, it is going well. Can you please give me your answer, be it good or bad I can handle it, because I’m sencing  that you are stalling. I  already know the best way of dealing with rejection and it is to try again. So give it to me straight, I mean your answer” Dennis said to her.
“ Rude!” Chelsea exclaimed, “ It is wrong to cut someone short and also wrong to assume things. And who told you I was going to reject your offer?” She asked him.
“ So is it a yes?” He asked happily.
“ Well, for your information, yes it is. You are so impatient.” She answered.
“ That’s what I am saying, you can’t resist me' He told her.
“ Don’t get ahead of yourself. We are just getting to know each other” She told him.
“ And you will be very glad to know me” He said to her.
“ So you are so cheeky” Check told him.
  “ But you love my Cheekiness” He told her.
“ Says who?. Love is a strong word” She said.
“ Me” He replied, “ So how is business today?” He asked.
“ Business is fine” She replied, “ How is work?” She asked.
“ Work is fine, except everyone is waiting for today to end, so that we can start our weekend. And since you are going to make my weekend memorable, I can’t wait for the week day to end” Dennis told her.
“ Me too. Not that I’m anxious to go out with you, but I just want to get home today and rest, because this week has been a long one” She said.
  “ Well you need that rest, because it is not easy to run a business. But don’t tell me that our up coming outing is not putting a smile on your face, because it is putting a smile on my face” He informs her.
“ Well a little, you know I have not gone out like this before, especially on a date” She told him.
“ I’m glad you are going on your first date with me and I only get to share this memory with you and thank you for trusting yourself in my care and I wouldn’t let you down” He told her.
“ Well, you better not break my trust” She warned.
“ I wouldn’t dare” He promised.
“ So where are you taking me?” She asked.
“ I’m thinking either we go for window shopping first, then we eat out or we watch a movie at the cinema and also end the day with dinner, and  we get to know each other” He told her.
“ Yeah, that would be alright. I even wanted to get some things from ShopRite. So we wouldn’t be doing window shopping, instead  actually shopping and don’t argue with me about who is paying for the things I’m going to buy, because I will be the one paying for them” She told him.
“ But what would that make me, a gentleman or what?” He asked.
“ I don’t need you to spend on me, to show that you are gentleman. And I don’t want to be indebted to you” She said to him.
“ But I want you to be” He said playfully.
“ What do you mean!?” She exclaimed.
  “ Come on, I was just joking. And spending on you, does not make you indebted to me, it only shows that I care for you” He told her.
“ You spending on me does not mean that you care or love me or like me or that you are a gentleman. Your character and actions should be enough to know that you are a gentleman and that you are good person . That’s why I said we should study each other and get to know one another” She replied.
“ But giving of gift is also a way of showing love and gentlemanliness” He told her.
“ But not on a first date. I might not be experienced but I’m aware of that” She said to him,” That only makes you look like you are trying to buy my affection” She said to him.
“ I would never try to buy your affection. Do you know you just hurt my feelings?” He asked her.
“ I’m sorry, but that is the way I see it. And if you are offended I’m truly sorry” She apologized.
“ Then I will teach to change the way you see it. Apology accepted but on the condition you accept my offer next time we go out” He said.
“ Who told you there will be a next time?” She asked him.
“ There will be, don’t worry I will make sure of that” He replied.
“ If you say so, then I will think about it, till next time” She told him.
“ You never like giving me a straight answer, why is that?” He asked.
“ Well, because as humans;  we have to think before we make some decisions” She replied.
“ Okay, if you say so. I will come pick you up tomorrow by 9:00am, is that okay by you?” He asked.
“ Why  meet each other at ShopRite?” She asked him.
“ Why?, Do you want to be seen going or coming out with me or is it that you don’t want your neighbours to see me or are you living with someone ( meaning a man)” He asked.
“ Neither, I just think it will be better and cost effective” She replied.
“ Look at you being economical, but you wouldn’t allow me pay for the things you are buying tomorrow” He said.
“ I’m just being cautious and for your information there is no male in my life that isn’t related to me except from you and I do have a roommate, who is a female and by the way is also my best friend too” She informed him.
“ So when will I be meeting this best friend of your?” He asked.
  “ Soon, if we get to that stage” She told him.
“ There is no if, we would get to that stage, even the stage of marriage and very soon you will introduce me officially to your parents as your husband to be” He told confidently with a smile.
“ If you say so” She said and laughed.
“ Okay, we will meet  at ShopRite by 10am, is that okay with you?” He asked.
“ Yes” She replied, “ Okay see you tomorrow. I can’t wait. And next time flash me and I will call you back. I’m sure I have almost finished your recharge card. If I say I should buy a new recharge card for you, I know you will refuse” He said.
“ Don’t worry, just take it as an investment” She told him.
“ In what?” He asked.
“ In our future relationship” She said.
“ I’m so glad that you called it our relationship” He said.
“ I said FUTURE” She insisted.
“ Anything you say” He replied.
“ Okay, talk to you later” He added.
“ Hope I didn’t disturb your work?” She asked.
“ No, you didn’t. I’m even on my break” He told her.
“ Okay, bye” She said.
  “ Bye” He replied.

Chelsea; My Big, Fat, Fabulous Love By Nwachukwu Christopher Ishioma AvwerosuoWhere stories live. Discover now