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"||𝙹⚍ ∴ᔑリℸ ̣ ᒷ↸ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ᓭᒷᒷ ᒲᒷ, ⊣ᒷリᒷᓭ╎ᓭ?" Xelqua said as he bowed.
("you wanted to see me, genesis?")

"ᔑ⍑, ̇/ᒷꖎᑑ⚍ᔑ." She started, "╎ ⍑ᔑ⍊ᒷ ᔑ ᒲ╎ᓭᓭ╎𝙹リ ⎓𝙹∷ ||𝙹⚍."
("Ah, xelqua" "I have a mission for you")

Xelqua perked up a bit; after all, he hadn't been on a mission thus far.

"⍑ᒷ∷ᒲ╎ℸ ̣ ᓵ∷ᔑ⎓ℸ ̣." She spat out the word, "╎ ∴ᔑリℸ ̣ ╎ℸ ̣ ⊣𝙹リᒷ, ᔑリ↸ ᓭ╎リᓵᒷ ╎ℸ ̣ 'ᓭ ᔑ !¡∷╎⍊ᔑℸ ̣ ᒷ ᓭᒷ∷⍊ᒷ∷ 𝙹リꖎ|| ᔑᓵᓵᒷᓭᓭ╎ʖꖎᒷ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ⎓∷╎ᒷリ↸ᓭ... ∴ᔑℸ ̣ ᓵ⍑ᒷ∷ᓭ ᓵᔑリ'ℸ ̣ ⊣ᒷℸ ̣ ᔑᓵᓵᒷᓭᓭ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ╎ℸ ̣ ᒷᔑᓭ╎ꖎ||."
("Hermitcraft" "I want it gone, and since it's a private server only accessible to friends... watchers can't get access to it easily")

Xelqua was confused. Wouldn't that mean he also couldn't get access since he, too, was a watcher?

Genesis shook her head, "╎ ꖌリ𝙹∴ ∴⍑ᔑℸ ̣ ||𝙹⚍'∷ᒷ ℸ ̣ ⍑╎リꖌ╎リ⊣, ̇/ᒷꖎᑑ⚍ᔑ, ᔑリ↸ リ𝙹. ⎓𝙹∷ℸ ̣ ⚍リᔑℸ ̣ ᒷꖎ||, ||𝙹⚍ ᔑ∷ᒷリ'ℸ ̣ ꖎ╎ꖌᒷ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ∷ᒷᓭℸ ̣ 𝙹⎓ ⚍ᓭ. ||𝙹⚍ ᓵᔑリ ⊣ᒷℸ ̣ ╎リ, ᓵᔑ⚍ᓭᒷ ᓭ𝙹ᒲᒷ ᓵ⍑ᔑ𝙹ᓭ, ᔑリ↸ ⊣ᒷℸ ̣ 𝙹⚍ℸ ̣."
("I know what you're thinking, xelqua, and no. fortunately, you aren't like the rest of us. you can get in, cause some chaos, and get out.")

Well, Xelqua already knew he wasn't like the rest of them, seeing as they had lavender skin, void eyes if they took their mask off, and markings of eyes on the insides of their wings. Xelqua had pale skin, dull blue eyes, and as far as he could tell; no eye markings on his lavender wings.

"↸𝙹 ||𝙹⚍ ⚍リ↸ᒷ∷ᓭℸ ̣ ᔑリ↸ ||𝙹⚍∷ ᒲ╎ᓭᓭ╎𝙹リ, ̇/ᒷꖎᑑ⚍ᔑ?" Genesis asked.
("Do you understand your mission, xelqua?")

Xelqua nodded and bowed once more, "╎ℸ ̣ 'ꖎꖎ ʖᒷ ↸𝙹リᒷ, ⊣ᒷリᒷᓭ╎ᓭ."
("It'll be done, genesis.")

"⊣𝙹𝙹↸." Genesis clapped twice and Xelqua was taken to the Codes.

The Codes were self-explanatory. It was a vast open wasteland filled with codes. It was only accessible to admins and, in some cases, moderators.

Xelqua didn't know why he could have access to it, but he figured he was an admin in his past life and shrugged it off. He often used this room to look into other servers, watching other players build and play games.

Xelqua would say it looked fun, only he didn't know what fun looked like or experienced it before. For all he knows, they could be torturing each other.

The amateur watcher looked around, trying to find a lead toward Hermitcraft. He's heard of it before and of the admin.

Then he saw it.

'XisumaVoid created a new world'
'XisumaVoid whitelisted 25 players'

'╎ ⍑ᒷᔑ∷↸ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᔑℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ∷ᒷᓭᒷℸ ̣ ᓭ ⍑ᒷ∷ᒲ╎ℸ ̣ ᓵ∷ᔑ⎓ℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ᒲᔑꖌᒷ ℸ ̣ ⍑╎リ⊣ᓭ ╎リℸ ̣ ᒷ∷ᒷᓭℸ ̣ ╎リ⊣... ℸ ̣ ⍑ᔑℸ ̣ ᒲ⚍ᓭℸ ̣ ʖᒷ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ リᒷ∴ ∴𝙹∷ꖎ↸.' Xelqua thought as he copied down the IP address into a text box.
("I heard that he resets hermitcraft to make things interesting... that must be the new world")

He hit enter and waited. Then a grey box with blue popped up.

'Confirm you are not a robot.'

'||𝙹⚍ ⍑ᔑ⍊ᒷ ⊣𝙹ℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ʖᒷ ꖌ╎↸↸╎リ⊣ ᒲᒷ...' Xelqua deadpanned, but went along with it, tapping all the traffic lights that were shown.
("You have got to be kidding me...")

When that was done, he was met with 'world loading' and the percentage.

He felt everything around him warp, and suddenly he felt the floor give way, stumbling onto the new ground that replaced the codes.

He looked down, his eyes widening as he noticed he was wearing something completely different. Then he felt his face.

His mask was gone.

He was wearing a green tunic and white leggings that looked like they were either clawed out or put in lava for a second. Maybe even both.

Xelqua shrugged off the scratch and burn marks to look at the green hat on his head.

He didn't like the hat, it made him look like he was going to a costume party.

He left it alone in favor of looking around.

There was a pretty lake next to him.

That was it.

It was a new server, so Xelqua didn't really expect much.

"Everyone here? Did everyone join?" A voice called out in the distance, making Xelqua jump to his feet and dart behind a nearby tree.

'↸𝙹リ'ℸ ̣  ∴ᔑリℸ ̣  ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ʖᒷ 𝙹⚍ℸ ̣  ╎リ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ 𝙹!¡ᒷリ...' Xelqua thought as he peeked out from behind the tree, seeing a lot of players standing around.
('don't want to be out in the open...')

Xelqua saw lines of code linking up to each player, telling him their tags, levels/stats, and if they were an administrator.

He only saw one admin out of the 26 players.

/╎ᓭ⚍ᒲᔑ⍊𝙹╎↸...' Xelqua narrowed his eyes, his Watcher vision letting him see more lines.


Admin=True{All Access}
Level=N/A{0 XP}

Xelqua blinked at the last line of code.

"Alright, since everyone's here... ahem," The admin spoke, causing Xelqua to snap out of the lines of numerals, "Welcome, everyone, to Hermitcraft Season 6!"

That caused a reaction from some players, some of them cheering.

"Everyone here should know the rules by now, and as always, there will be Hermit meetings every few weeks just to see everyone's progress. I hope you enjoy the districts the server has to offer and that everyone has a great time!" Xisuma said, then looked up at the sky, seeing that it was almost midday, "Now let's get supplies before monsters spawn!"

As the players dispersed and ran off in different directions, Xelqua didn't know what to do.

This was his first mission, after all.

The Watcher glanced around for any 'Hermits' that would be gathering supplies before deciding it would be best not to be seen.

Who knows what these players were capable of?

Xelqua brought up a settings menu, looking at the map displayed.

The map was limited and had borders. It was also labeled.

The amateur Watcher was currently in Aquatown, which presumably was the spawn area.

He remembered the admin saying something about districts.

Xelqua whistled, a sound like that of a normal player's humming.

He didn't know where to go first.

He had to stay hidden.

Then he glanced at the ocean in the Futuristic district.

'╎⎓ ╎ ᒲᔑꖌᒷ ᔑ ʖᔑᓭᒷ ⚍リ↸ᒷ∷∴ᔑℸ ̣ ᒷ∷, ᓭ⚍∷ᒷꖎ|| リ𝙹 𝙹リᒷ ∴𝙹⚍ꖎ↸ ᓵ𝙹ᒲᒷ ᔑᓵ𝙹ᓭᓭ ╎ℸ ̣ , ∷╎⊣⍑ℸ ̣?' Xelqua thought, whistling a bit more.
('If I make a base underwater, surely no one would come across it, right?')

Then he nodded. It was settled.

He would head for the Futuristic District.

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