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Xelqua was exhausted. He had finished his underwater base in the span of two and a half days, but he found himself unstable as he swayed in the doorway. He tipped forward, barely catching himself on the wall.

He huffed as he walked over to his chest full of junk. He grabbed wool and planks before going over to the crafting table and making a bed.

Perhaps, Xelqua shouldn't underestimate these players.

He moved the bed against the wall, lining it up in the middle before climbing under the covers.

He was out as soon as his head hit the pillow.


"Oh, Taurtis~" A voice echoed throughout the corridor, "Where are you~? Whatever it is, we can talk it out. We're best friends, after all."

I covered my mouth, not wanting to be heard from where I hid. My body shook as tears streamed from my eyes.

I heard footsteps getting closer as they stopped, the sounds of creaking floorboards underneath where he stepped.

I held down my whimpers, biting my tongue as I waited with bated breath.

The door flew open.


Xelqua's eyes snapped open, letting out a gasp as he sat up in bed.

"What... was that?" He couldn't help but utter aloud. He blinked, noticing there was a wetness on his cheek. He raised a hand, wiping away the tears, 'What is this?'

He scowled for allowing himself to show emotions.

'Watchers don't do... whatever this is.' Xelqua growled, deciding to get out of the bed, 'That's enough sleeping for me.'

He raised his arms, looking at the lines of codes before realizing something happened while he was asleep.

'They defeated the Ender Dragon.'

Xelqua sighed. He was sent here for a reason. He needed to do something, but what?

He looked around, burrowing through his chest before pulling out a flint and steel. He smiled to himself.


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"Anything?" Doc questioned.

"Nothing." Xisuma sighed, furrowing his eyebrows at his communicator, "He usually replies within a few minutes."

Minutes went by as they waited, the Admin closing his eyes as he gave up on waiting for his friend to reply, pocketing the device.

"You don't think...?" Doc trailed off his sentence, staring at Xisuma with a flat expression as always. The Creeper-hybrid barely showed emotion, but X knew he was worried from the way he said it.

"I hope not." Xisuma finished for him, "I can't lose him too."

The Admin turned towards the Ender Portal. Doc brandished his sword, looking at his friend, "Ready?"

"Mhm." Xisuma nodded, jumping into the portal.

The whooshing of the portal overcame his senses. He felt himself dropping before feeling the air shift and his boots touch the endstone of the barren land he once called home.

Doc dropped in beside him, immediately glancing around at the half-finished structure of something in the distance.

"Either Team ZIT has been here, or that's something our little friend built." Doc squinted at the structure.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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