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As Xelqua was walking, he pulled up his settings menu.

He looked at the main language of the server, noticing that it was Common.

Xelqua pinched at his codes, changing his main language to Common. He felt a buzz in his throat and cleared it before speaking.

"Testing, testing." Xelqua stopped, eyes widening.

Holy hell.

He had an accent.

Xelqua didn't expect that but shrugged it off before continuing his journey to the shoreline.

"Now I was thinking about building out on the islands in this district," Xelqua froze in his steps upon hearing a voice, "but I need to act quickly before night comes."

Xelqua looked around, then ducked behind a tree. He watched as a player walked by, stepping up to the shoreline.

The Watcher looked at the codes linked up to him.


Admin=False{No Access}
Level=1{125 XP}

Xelqua blinked at the last line of code once again.

'It says he's a human, but...' Xelqua glanced at the maroon red horns he had, 'maybe it's a glitch, but the Watchers always say our vision is up-to-code.'

He watched as the player placed a crafting table, and made a boat.

'Ah, right. No wings.' Xelqua hummed, then realized something.

He glanced behind him.

He also had no wings.

'No wonder my back feels lighter.' Xelqua thought.

He then heard a splash. Looking at the shoreline, the player seemed to be heading further out.

'He said he was building on some islands...' Xelqua pulled out the map again, 'perhaps I should build away from the mainland myself...'

Xelqua nodded, then realized he would probably need a boat if he was going to get there faster.

'I guess I can play their game for a little while...' Xelqua thought as he started to gather wood.

He then got into a rhythm that felt familiar to him.

Gather wood, make planks, make a crafting table...

It all felt familiar to him somehow.

Except he hadn't been on a server, ever. At least, not to his knowledge.

The tattered clothes he wore also reminded him of something, but he had no idea what.

All he knew was all this thinking was leading to a massive headache, so instead of inquiring his mind further, he set his newly crafted boat into the water and set off.

He made sure no one was around, and he wasn't near where anyone was building. The Watcher stopped rowing before getting up and peering down into the deep ocean.

Xelqua hummed. He wasn't going to risk going down there only to realize he couldn't breathe underwater. Naturally, Watchers are immortal, so they can't die underwater.

Still... Xelqua wasn't going to risk it. He needed lots of materials before building his secret base.

'I could use stained glass and quartz...' Xelqua thought. Those two materials were the only things reminding him of the Watcher base in the void, 'Where am I going to get quartz from though? This world was just created...'

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