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Xelqua panted as he looked behind him, hearing various shouts in the distance. He scowled at himself for being so stupid.

It was the first day of infiltrating a server, and he already sent one of the players into a coma. He knew deep down he couldn't control his powers, so why did he agree to Genesis' command?

Oh, right- because they're the leader. If Xelqua had said no, he would've been forced to go anyway. He has no say in anything the Watchers do.

And if the Watchers ever find out about this, he would be punished severely.

Xelqua froze in his steps, his eyes widening.

'If... the Watchers find out.' He thought, his dark sapphire eyes glancing to the sky, 'They can't see in this server.'

The corner of his mouth quirked up, yet the smile stayed down as Xelqua heard rushing footsteps. He hid behind a tree and a few berry bushes, wincing as it pricked him and tugged at his clothes.

He waited until the group of people passed by, their worried voices talking over each other. Xelqua had once longed for someone to worry or care about him, but that day never arrived, and he had lost hope.

'If the Watchers can't see me, they won't know I messed up... therefore, no punishment necessary.' Xelqua finished his thought, nodding to himself. It was the perfect plan; he could do whatever he wanted, and the Watchers couldn't find out.


Xelqua shook his head, 'Nah...'

The only way a Watcher could get in is to manually break down the security lock, and the Admin would most likely notice the break-in and fix it immediately.

He took a breather before standing up and making his way back to the Futuristic District.

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𓆩⟡𓆪          𓆩⟡𓆪          𓆩⟡𓆪

'How could I have let this happen...?' Xisuma thought as he breathed heavily through his helmet, the lenses getting fogged up, 'This is all my fault. I shouldn't have let him out of my sight...'

"X?" A gentle hand snapped him out of his stupor. The Admin peered behind him, looking into big eyes.

"Yes? Can I help you, Keralis?" Xisuma turned around, smiling at his friend from beneath his helmet.

Keralis frowned, "Zooma... I know what you're thinking, and this-"

He gestured to BDubs, who was now lying on a bed as everyone helped out in building a small shelter for him.

"This is not your fault. None of us knew this was going to happen." Keralis gave him a reassuring smile as he gently squeezed his shoulder.

Xisuma furrowed his eyebrows, "But I did know! I knew this was going to happen!"

Keralis' eyes widened as he took a step back. Everyone heard the commotion and turned to look at the duo, eyes and faces just as shocked.

"I should have listened to what my Sens- my gut was telling me. I should have checked the codes, I should have checked the logs, anything, everything- I should have checked! Because of me, BDubs is hurt and stuck in a sleeping state. Because of my incompetence, a Watcher is now roaming my server!" Xisuma was now pacing the floors, his hands gesturing wildly.

Joe seemed to be the first to exit his state of shock, rushing up to his Admin and offering a bottle of water, "X- hey, hey! Everything is going to be fine- I just need you to breathe with me, okay?"

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