Liam Gets Shushed!!!

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Normal AU: Liam Dunbar worked under Scott McCall as his kids Manny. Scott McCall is a famous CEO and runs the biggest company ever and met Allison who had his kids before she died. Liam babysat Scott's kids until they fell in love and got married. This takes place two days after their honeymoon in Scotts room....

(Liam Dunbar is the woman in the video and Scott McCall is the man in the video)

(They have the same look as in season 6)


(3rd POV....)

"Sweetie please, you been in there for 45 whole minutes, this is torture!" Scott, who's in a robe, exclaimed while pacing in his room impatiently. "No babe, torture is 5 years." Liam said from the bathroom. Scott nods in agreement. Then, Liam comes out of the bathroom, hair messy and in a cute/sexy outfit:

 Then, Liam comes out of the bathroom, hair messy and in a cute/sexy outfit:

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"Hey wolfy." Liam said, seductively with a flirty smirk and wink. "Oh god, come here." Scott said in a low, husky/deep voice with a 'come here' motion with his finger. Liam walked closer to Scott. "Do you like it?" Liam asked while running his hands on Scott's arms.

 "I do." Scott replied, putting his hands on Liam waist. "Good, I still got the receipt, I'm gonna return it tomorrow." Liam said and started walking to the bathroom but Scott stopped him. "Oh pup, you don't have to do that, your rich now, you can buy anything you want." Scott said walking Liam back to the bed.

"Are you good in the bedroom?" Liam asked with a smile. They started kissing, wrapping their arms. Then, Scott started kissing Liam's neck. "Do you realize how long I've been waiting for this moment, loving my husband, in my house, in my 20's." Liam said, touching everywhere. Scott looks up at him with a look then Liam started laughing. "oh oh oh, I'm so funny." Liam laughed while Scott smiled.

Then, they went down to the bed. "Hehehe-hahahahaha, oh Scott, oh, oh Scotty, ah, ah, oh Mr. McCa-" Liam moaned loudly but got shushed by Scott while he leaned back up the bed. "Shush?" Liam asked while also leaning up as well. "I'm sorry but you were getting too loud." Scott replied in an apologetic tone. "I'm too loud and now was the time when you chose to tell me." Liam said while pointing at himself and the room. "Well perhaps, I picked the wrong moment." Scott said, apologetic. "Ya think?!" Liam exclaimed while standing up. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." Scott apologized while making him and Liam sit down on the bed. Scott started kissing and having his hand around Liam's neck. "I just wanted to have our first in the house from the island to be special, little tighter wolfy." Liam said while pointing at the hand around his neck. Scott did tighten it, a little and they went back to laying on the bed. 

Liam was just quiet never made a sound. "You know, you really not getting into it, pup." Scott said while leaning back up. "That's because I keep waiting for the Shush." Liam said annoyed while also leaning back up. "I didn't shush you." Scott said while smiling tightly. "But you were about to, I had that feeling, you were holding, any minute, there was gonna be a big shush." Liam said kinda loudly. Then, Scott shushed him again. "See, there it is!" Liam exclaimed while throwing his arms up. 

Liam then, shook his head and went under the bed get his shoes. "What are you doing?" Scott asked, confused. "Getting my shoes because our relationship can't afford another shush." Liam replied. "where are you going?" Scott asked, confused again. "I'm going to Mason's house." Liam replied while putting on his shoes. "Why not till morning?" Scott asked with a raised eyebrow. "Because I cannot sleep in the same room as the man who shushed me while having some fun with me." Liam replied, looking at Scott. "I told you I was sorry." Scott said with a frown.

 "A sorry is not good enough, you know back on the island, you liked my screaming and it turned you on then, you screamed, do you remember how we screamed together, oh god, I still want that." Liam explains his feelings but also started get turned on himself. "Well back on the island, we had privacy." Scott said. "We do have privacy expect for Stiles by the door. " Liam said, while opening the door to see Stiles by the door on his knees with his hand to his ear trying to listen to the conversation behind the door.

Liam nods at Scott and leaves out the door. 


Hope you enjoy!!!!

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