Liam Nooo!!!

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Teen wolf AU: Stiles finds Liam and Theo without clothes on in Liam's room

(Everybody looks the same in season 6)


(Stiles' POV.....)

I'm walking to Liam's room because I was gonna tell Liam what found out about the hunters. I knocked on Liam's door, waiting for an answer.

"Yes?" I hear Liam's answer. "Hey Liam, I found something about the hunters and wanted to talk to you about it." I said while opening the door and turning on the lights since they were off which confused me. I turned on the lights and looked at Liam's bed.

I see the blankets being pulled down and there was Liam and Theo without clothes on only seeing the top half, the bottom half hiding under the blankets.

My eyes widen in shock before, "AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" I scream in shock.

(After a minute)

"Liam nooo!!" I said with my hand on my heart, eyes closed, and sad expression. "Stiles-" Liam tried to talk to me. "Oooohhh!!!" I exclaimed, putting my hand on my eyes and lean back into the door.

I walked to the edge Liam's bed, "Oh no oh, you, him here, oh, I need a moment." I said while my eyes still closed, hand on my heart before straightening up with my eyes opened and hand not on my chest, looking away from Liam and Theo.

"I'm adult *sniff* I can handle this *sniff* I'm okay." I sniffed. I look over at Liam and Theo, Liam is smiling and waving nervously at me. "Liam noooo!!!" I said, covering my face and turning away.

"Stiles, will you keep it down?" I hear Theo ask me, annoyed. I come back up and narrow my eyes at Theo and stood up. "I'm not ready to talk to you, young man!" I exclaimed while pointing at Theo.

"What happened, we heard screaming-oh!" I hear Scott say but stopped when he realized why I screamed. I looked at Scott and saw him with Malia, both having shocked look on their faces.

"What's this, a pajama party," Nolan said, coming into the room with a smile. "Hey, scooch over." Nolan continued before trying to get into the bed before being pulled out the room. "Hey, what's going on?" Hayden asked, coming into the room before looking at Liam and Theo, Liam is looking away, flustered. "Ew." Hayden said, grossed out and left.

Lydia and Mason comes in and sees them, "Hey..." Lydia and Mason both trailed out in unison with an awe look on their faces. I got fed up, "ok, everybody out right now, everybody come on." I said, kicking them out the room.

Once everyone left, I look back at Liam and Theo with hurt look, "Now, I just wanna say that I'm hurt, I don't think that two pack mates are supposed to do.... what," I begin, trailing off, thinking about something. "Oh my god, I just got a mental picture, get out, get out!" I exclaimed, grossed out, holding my head before walking out the room, traumatized.


Hope you enjoy!!!

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