Liam's secret pt.1

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Teen wolf/Supernatural AU: Liam Dunbar has a secret that only Mason Hewitt knows, Liam's secret is that he can turn into a flaming skull called a Ghost Rider. 

Liam secret is gonna be exposed out in the field during a lacrosse game because of an old enemy comes back to life.

(Season 6A never happened) (1 of 2)


(3rd POV....)

Scott is out in the field, coaching/ helping the team, "Nice work, Diaz!" Scott yelled to one of the players as Nolan got knocked down. "Nolan, you stay in there, you can take them." Scott encouraged Nolan. Nolan nodded, got back up and walked back to the net.

Number 88 got the ball and made the perfect shot in the net, "Nice shot, best out of pre-season." Scott complimented. "Thanks, Coach." The boy thanked Scott. "Assistant coach. What exactly are you doing?" Coach Finstock asked. "Drills." Scott replied. "Your giving them hope. When have I ever gave you hope?" Coach asked Scott. "Never." Scott shook his head. 

"Exactly. Nothing motivates more than withering criticism," Coach said. "Speaking of, uh, losers, where's your little protege?" Coach asked with a smirk. "Um.." Scott trailed, looking around the field. "Um..., is 'Um..' a location, is 'Um' behind me?" Coach mocked Scott. 

"He'll be here, ok. He's the backbone of this team, he's stepped it up in everyway possible, a born leader that can handle anything that you throw at him." Scott said, backing up his beta.

(In the boys locker room...)

"I can't handle this." Liam said, depressed while laying on the bench with Mason and Corey. "Yes, you can. And you've handled so much worse than this. You're practically the Alpha now." Mason encouraged Liam while lifting up him up to help him put on his gear. 

They put a shirt over Liam. "I'm nothing without her." Liam said with a sad look. Corey was putting on his chest gear, "Liam, can you help me with this, please?" Corey asked Liam. "Hayden left me." Liam shook his head. "She moved to protect her sister and its not like she dumped you or anything." Mason said to Liam, trying to make him feel better.

"Why's your arm so heavy?" Corey asked in disbelief. Mason heard his phone buzz and picked it up. Mason saw it was Scott texting him about Coach. "Okay, Scott said 'Coach is losing it'." Mason said about the text he got from Scott. 

"Scott's leaving, too." Liam said, depression while trying to lay back down on the bench. "Going to College is not leaving, okay?, it's called growing up and we're all gonna be going to different colleges eventually." Mason shook his head in disbelief.

"I thought we were both applying to UCLA." Corey said to Mason in confusion while Mason shakes his head also signaling to don't say anything. "What, you guys are going to the same college?" Liam asked in disbelief. "That is not the point." Mason said to Liam while grabbing Liam's lacrosse stick and helmet and handing it to Liam.

"What is the point?" Liam asked, depressed still. "The point is that, summers almost over, we're about to be seniors, this is about to be the best year of our entire lives, and your still captain of the lacrosse team. So come on. We got to..." Mason said while he and Corey are dragging to the door, so they could get to the field before they fell to the ground.

(Back in the field...)

"I swear to god, McCall, if don't get Dunbar out here in three, this'll be your last as assistant coach." Coach Finstock threatened. "This is my last day as assistant coach." Scott said. "I can still dock your pay." Coach said with a smirk. "I'm a volunteer. You want my whistle?" Scott asked with smile. "Who gave you a whistle?" Coach asked with a frown.

Before Scott could reply, he noticed a big black cloud of smoke started coming out the trees into the sky where the moon is, "What, McCall, What are you seeing?" Coach Finstock asked Scott in confusion before looking at what Scott is looking at.

"Woah." Coach Finstock said in awe. The black smoke came closer to the field before a tall pale man, short black hair, black leather outfit with claws, sharp teeth, and all black eyes. 

He walks onto the field, few inches away from the forest, "My name is Blackheart and I'm looking for Liam Dunbar, The Rider." The strange man named Blackheart said in a deep, evil voice. Scott gets his phone out and starts texting Mason about what's happening in field.

(By the locker rooms...)

(Liam's POV....)

I see Mason sit up with his phone out because he got a text message, "It's Scott, there's someone, a man named Blackheart and is looking for you and keeps calling you, The Rider, Liam." Mason said with his eyes widened. 

My eyes widened as well, "I know who that is but I thought he was gone." I whispered to Mason in confusion while sitting up. "Apparently not since he's out in the field looking for you." Mason whispered back. 

"Ok, what are you two talking about?" Corey asked, confused. "Something bad is happening and I don't think I'm ready for it" I replied, sighing, hand on my forehead. "What are you gonna do?" Mason asked. "I'm gonna have to kill to protect the team and others." I replied with my eyes glowing orange. 

I get up and start taking off my lacrosse gear only leaving me in a black long sleeve shirt  and pants. I started to walk to get to the field with Corey and Mason behind. "Are you sure?" Mason asked me uncertain. "Yea, Scott needs to know anyway." I replied. "yeah but what about everyone else?" Mason asked, unsure. 

"I have the ability to erase peoples memory, so I can erase the memory of what happened on the field except Scott." I replied, still walking. 

(Back on the field...)

(3rd POV...)

"if no one tells me where the rider is, I'm gonna turn this whole field in a graveyard." Blackheart threatened while getting annoyed. 

"Hey, I heard you were looking for me?..." 


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Hope you enjoy!! 

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