Stiles Finds Out About Theo And Liam

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Normal AU: Theo and Liam have been in sexual relationship ever since it started in Paris and they been keeping it a secret. Usually sneak off together, outta town or in each others apartments. Then, Theo and Liam make a mistake and Stiles finds out.

(Everybody looks the same way they do in season 6)


(Theo's POV.....)

I walk into my apartment that I share with Stiles and sit on the cushion chair. I sit in the chair for a few seconds until I heard the front door open and I saw Stiles come in, "Hey, how was your work trip thing in Chicago?" Stiles asked me while sitting on a stool.

"It was terrible, I fought with my colleagues the whole time." I lied because I was at a hotel with Liam and we fought at the hotel a lot. "Oh god." Stiles shakes his head while rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, anyway, I'm gonna change real quick." I said before getting up from the chair and walked to change clothes, not knowing that the hotel was gonna call my apartment. 

I walk out of my room and saw Stiles just got off the phone, "Who was that?" I asked, curiously. "The hotel you was staying at, said that there was a laptop left there." Stiles replied with an eyebrow raised. My eyes widened, "Really, must have left my laptop there." I nervously chuckled. "Your laptop and laptop bag are right there on the chair." Stiles pointed out with his eyes. "Oh." I said, nervously.

"Whose laptop is it, Theo?" Stiles asked with his eyes narrowed. "It must have been the girl I brought to my hotel." I lied. Stiles nodded slowly. 

(time skip)

Stiles and I are in Liam and Mason's apartment with Corey also here. Liam walks in his apartment, "Hey, I heard you went to Chicago for your conference thing." Corey said to Liam. "Yea I did." Liam said with a smile. 

I saw Stiles raise an eyebrow, confused, thinking before shaking his head. "Hey Mason, can I borrow your laptop? I think I lost mine." Liam asked Mason while he was looking through his bag. "Yea sure, its in my room." Mason nodded. 

I saw Stiles' eyes widened and I figured he connected the dots, "oh!, oh!" Stiles started shouting while pointing at Liam. "Stiles, can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked while standing up. "You!, ho!" Stiles finished shouting while pointing at me and Liam. "Stiles, please." I said while grabbing Stiles' arm and dragging him to Liam's room with Liam following.

(Time skip after calming Stiles down)

"Yes, its true." I said, letting go of Stiles and getting up. "How? When?" Stiles asked, looking between us. "It happened in Paris." I replied. "In Paris?!" Stiles exclaimed in disbelief. Me and Liam shushed. 

"It did but you can't tell anyone else please?" Liam pleaded. "Alight." Stiles nodded. Liam and I smiled at each other before kissing, making Stiles exclaim in disgust.


Hope you enjoy!!!

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