Day Four Part One

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Word count →_→ 1393 words

"There's still no reply from the rehabilitation home." Doctor Eli informed his comrade as the two continued to observe subject zero's blood work.

Doctor Rudolph was quiet as he looked over his slides.

"Well, according to this, our subject's condition has nothing to do with the medicine and everything to do with covid 19. It's safe to say we can now move on to the second phase." He said.

"Daniel, are you even listening to me? We are in the dark on Bucky's current condition!" Eli exclaimed.

"And what do you want me to do? March over to them? Be reasonable, Eli. If they need to involve us in the happenings, they will. In the meantime, let's try to figure out how we are going to get our patient out of the ventilator." Doctor Rudolph said as he stepped away from the slides, heading towards the door. "Now are you going to come with me to give him his second shot or not?"

With a sigh, Doctor Eli Bossing gave in.

"Very well then." He said. But deep down he was determined to get to the bottom of it.

I have a bad feeling about it all.

They swiftly changed into their biohazard suits before they headed towards that part of the lab. Misty was still keeping an eye on the monitors whilst Emilia, having finished her own procedures, stood by her side looking like a zombie.

"Miss Larsson, are you alright? You're not experiencing any covid symptoms we may need to quarantine you for, are you? You look like you need some rest." Doctor Rudolph asked.

"Very funny, Doctor Rudolph. I'm quite fine actually." She replied stoically.

However, she was in need of a rest. She had hardly slept last night. She had tossed and turned until the break of dawn. Perhaps it was because part of her felt that if she closed her eyes then Alex would disappear.

It was a silly fear but she couldn't help it. She had developed feelings for him and the prospect of losing him before she got the chance to explore those feelings really frightened her.

"I'm just being observant of your procedures, that is all." She said, keeping her emotions in check.

"Very well then, we shall proceed to the third phase." Doctor Rudolph said in a monotonous voice.

"Wait? But Doctor," Misty interrupted. "Shouldn't we perhaps first get him out of the ventilator. If he reacts to the treatment in his current condition..."

"This treatment was designed to cure any and all symptoms of the corona virus as well as kill the viral cells. If we use any other drug on him right now our results will be biased because we won't be able to fully prove if our drug is effective or not. In other words, it's CovX2 or nothing." Doctor Rudolph reprimanded her. "I don't have to tell you any of that. Now does anyone else have anything to say?"

No one said anything as they all watched him summon his aids to bring in the case that held the second dose of the medicine.

"No one said it would be easy. If that were the case, there would be no need for a trial. Everyone knew the risks and we are all here to mitigate them." He went on. "Isn't that right, Miss Larsson?"

"Right." Emilia merely raised an eyebrow, trying to figure out why he had called on her.

He proceeded to unlock the case and bring out the second dose.

"The date is February 12, 2023. Time, 0847 hours." The Doctor began to recite as he moved towards the bed.

Taking hold of the IV tube, he brought the needle of the syringe to it.

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