Day Eight Part Four

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Word count→_→ 1378 words


"Hey." Emilia chirped happily as she peaked through the door before she entered the room.
However, she immediately realized that Alex had not heard her.

He was staring into nothing, his eyes unseeing. Emilia noticed that his complexion was unusually pale but she was unaware of the thoughts and voices that were terrorizing him.

She had to speak up before he finally heard her.

"Alex, are you with me?" She said out loud.

This time she seemed to get to him as he slowly turned his head to face her.

It may have been a trick of the light or maybe she was plain hallucinating because for a second she thought she saw his eyes flash a golden color.

"Emilia?" He said like he was unsure if it was her.

"How are you doing today?" She asked with a smile although she couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

Something seemed off about him. She couldn't quite put a finger on it.

"I'm... I'm fine." He said with a low voice as he retained an aloof expression.

"Riiight. Because you're totally not being weird right now." She sweat dropped. "Seriously, are you okay? You don't look so good."

She was genuinely concerned about him and she could see that something was eating him up.

For a moment the fog in his expression as he regarded her.

"Something- something's happening to me..." He began, but suddenly stopped.

She waited for him to continue but he remained silent, his expression turning aloof again as he found himself staring at his reflection.

"What do you mean, Alex?" She asked, prompting him to continue.

Don't be stupid, she's never going to believe you.

"Alex?" Emilia probed when he said nothing, noticing that for some reason he had grown even paler.

He looked scared for some reason as he stared off into space.

Or maybe she will, but what will she think of you when she learns that you are a cold blooded killer?

"Stop..." He whispered as he shut his eyes and pressed the palm of his hands against his ears to shut out the voices.

"Alex, what's wrong?" Emilia asked in concern.

You know what? We should go ahead and tell her. Maybe then we'll know just how much she cares for us. We can always just kill her if she doesn't.

His eyes shot wide open when he felt a pair of hands grab him and shake him gently. Emilia's blue eyes regarded him in worry but he was drawn by some hypnotic force, not to her face but her neck and his senses were suddenly invaded by a strange but sweet aroma.

He could see the blood vessels that were pulsing with blood underneath her biohazard suit. The constant and rhythmic pulsing of the blood called to him like a siren's song.

She was greatly alarmed as she looked at him. She contemplated calling for his medical team so they could come and have a look at him but stopped when he suddenly caressed her neck with the palm of his hand.

"Uh - Alex?" She stuttered, her cheeks taking on a crimson hue as she blushed furiously at his bold move.

He blinked in confusion as he retracted his hand. He didn't know why he had done that. It was as if his body had acted on autopilot and that frightened him.

"I want to be by myself." He said to her in a barely audible whisper.

"Are you sure?" She asked. "If you need something I can ask them to get you anything. Maybe you need some painkillers?"

He wanted nothing more than to tell her everything that was happening to him but he couldn't trust himself to stay sane. Everything that was happening to him, all the feelings and the growing hunger deep within him, it was all so foreign and he could feel it eating away at his sanity.

"Please, just go." Was all he said to her as he shut his eyes once more so he wouldn't have to see how hurt she was.

There was a few moments of silence before he heard her walk away. His subconscious mind was being pulled in a different direction. It was almost as if it was trying to exist in another body.

Part of him wanted to fight it but another part of him enjoyed the peace and serenity he felt at that moment. It was that part of him allowed the turbulence to pull him in.



Cassidy Benson was an eighteen year old red haired woman who spent her holidays volunteering for the Freeman Health Foundation. As a medical student, she believed that the experience would help her get a residency at an esteemed medical facility.

Not to say she didn't enjoy her work, she loved working with Doctor Vance Freeman. He was a kind and considerate man, a talented doctor and a great mentor. She knew she wouldn't be here if it weren't for him. Plus the man had great faith in his students.

Where else would you find a doctor who allowed his students to look after his patients. Okay, maybe he didn't exactly give the students all patients. A simple fever or the non critical cases then yeah he gladly let them observe the patient as long as the students didn't take any risks or hesitate calling for the doctor in charge.

This week, she had had two lovely patients, one had an ear infection and another was recovering from a kidney transplant. They had both been discharged and Cassidy was almost due back to a fresh semester at school when she had been assigned a new patient.

From the medical records Doctor Freeman had shared with his students, Cassidy understood that her patient was a reporter who had came in with a nasty leg wound that had been grossly infected and had some pretty weird delusions about carnivorous monkeys.

The first two days had been hectic as they had to keep him sedated but on that day the poor guy looked completely worn out and pale. The infection on his leg was worse. She couldn't get those weird blood works out of her head.

Shaking her head she decided to keep her head clear as she adjusted his IVs and gave him a shot of penicillin.

The poor guy had a fever of a hundred and six degrees and had been slipping in and out of unconscious for the past twelve hours. All she could do for him was constantly place a cold wet towel on his forehead to lower his fever.

She sat next to his bed as she replaced another wet towel.

"Come on, Tommy, you can pull through." She said to him as she slowly got up from the chair she was sitting on.

Dumping the old used towels in the dish she had brought along with her. With the way things were going, she knew that he would eventually be taken into the ICU. She just hoped that he would pull through before that happened.

Turning around to bid him a silent farewell, she froze in her tracks when she realized the bed was empty.

"What on earth?" She exclaimed as she tried to make sense of what she was looking at.

The man who had lay there completely unconscious less than five seconds ago was no longer there. How was that possible?

It was then that she heard the low growling sound from behind her. Turning, she found herself looking at the man who was her patient.

There was something wild and dangerous about the way he looked at her. Almost like a rabid dog. The black pulsing veins were visible from underneath his skin. The most bizarre thing of all were his eyes that glowed a fierce golden color.

It was by instinct that she turned to run. Although she didn't know why she was running, she knew it in her bones that she was in danger.

As she reached for the door, she found her body crashing onto the ground as he jumped her, pinning her to the ground.

She tried to scream, to call out for help, but as his teeth tore into her flesh the overwhelming pain caused her to black out.

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