Day Nine Part One

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Word count →_→1482 words


With a quick once-over, Daniel gave his brother the go ahead to cover up the body once more.

"It looks like he's been dead for over a day." Rowen explained as he signalled for someone to take the body away. "It took us a while to find him because his body had been dragged into the woods."

"It must have been one savage wolf that did this." Daniel said thoughtfully. "Make sure the security detail moves around in groups of two or more from now on."

"Sure thing." Rowen responded. "What about you, little brother? Will you get some work done with those two onto you?"

"Well, I don't particularly have a choice." Daniel said as he put on his lab coat. "To avoid anymore suspicion I must act normal . If I start acting differently they'll know I know they found out about my secret and we can't have that. The last thing we want is our little prefect ratting us out to Giovanni."

He grabbed his stuff and began to walk towards the door.

"We're nine days in. I'm expecting to start seeing results. If the results are positive then what ever criticism they may have will be a moot point. However, if there's little to no change then all of it was for nothing." He said as his expression grew dark. "Tomorrow we administer the last dosage. It's fingers crossed from this point on."

"You better get to work then." Rowen encouraged before he walked away, leaving his brother standing there all alone.

After taking a moment to recollect himself, Daniel set about his work. He already had his work planned out for the day but this time around he hadn't shared it with his assistant. He didn't want her sharing it with her new found friend, Emilia Larsson.

He found his team already waiting for him by his office. They usually had a debriefing first thing in the morning but he could tell from their expressions that they had heard about the body.

"Morning everyone." He greeted them as he took his seat.

"Good morning, Doctor Rudolph." Misty responded on behalf of the team. "If I may ask, is it true that they found a body?"

"Yes, it's quite unfortunate that one of our security officers was found dead this morning. He was attacked by a wolf and the nasty creatures are native to these woods." He replied with a solemn expression. "I've advised our security staff to travel in groups of atleast two and I'd like that to be the case with our team as we move around the outside grounds."

Everyone was quiet as they let his words sink in. Doctor Rudolph, on the other hand, continued on as if the incident was a simple everyday occurrence.

"Moving on to today's agenda. We will be carrying out a covid test on our subject. We have to know if our drug is effective. Our subject may still be a little sick but if the test proves negative then that would mean he's reacting to our drug. If that's the case then we need to know the side effects." Daniel went on. "Well then, let's get to it."

They all began to file out. He expected Misty to voice her disagreement but she didn't. He noticed that she seemed to be distracted by something. Infact, she appeared a little pale.

"Misty. Are you okay? Do you need a day off? You look a little pale." He asked her.

While he abhorred the thought that she would go behind his back, he still cared for her. Part of him even liked her as more than a workmate but he rarely allowed himself to indulge in such feelings.

"I'm fine, doc, just a little tired is all." She simply replied as she gathered up her stuff.

"Okay, if you say so. Just don't overdo it. If you need a little time off, don't be afraid to say so." He said as he too stood from his chair and walked out of the office, leaving her standing there in surprise.

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