Day Zero : Part Two

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Emilia looked at her reflection one last time before deciding that she was presentable. At age twenty three, many believed she was too young to be a part of the CDC but then again they failed to factor in that she was a prodigy, top of her class since she could read and that was at the age of two.

With her blonde hair tied up in a bun, she made sure to wear minimal make up to give her that touch of professionalism. She didn't know why but she felt like this interview was going to change her life. Deciding on a razor sharp navy pinstripe suit and stilettos, she was ready to go. As she turned to leave she found a little blond head peaking at her from behind her bedroom door.

"Momma." The little boy called out in a sleepy voice. "Are you leaving?"

She walked up to him before crouching and picking him up.

"Did I wake you sweetheart?" She asked him as she walked over to his room. "Don't worry my sweet, momma's gotta go to work. Tia will watch you till I get back from work. Okay, sweetie?"

She softly placed him on his little cot. The boy watched her with his adorable blue eyes. Those sweet eyes could bring governments to their knees.

"Okay, momma." He said as he let her tuck him in. "Will you read me my book tonight?"

"Oh baby, I wish I could but momma's gotta help make a lot of people get better." She said to him as she stroked his little cheek.

Her heart melted as she looked at his adorable face. Whilst there were many things Emilia regretted about her past decisions, this sweet little boy was not one of them. Which is why she didn't resent his father for refusing any part in his upbringing. If Brian Howard wanted nothing to do with his son then it was his loss. Emilia would love this little angel and raise him all on her own. She was prepared to move heaven and earth for him.

"Right, coz momma's a hero." The little boy said with a big toothy grin.

"Yes, sweetheart." She said as she gave him a kiss. "Goodbye, baby. Momma's gonna see you when she comes back."

With that she left him in his bed as she made her way to the kitchen where she had left her briefcase. It broke her heart to leave her two year old son, Jesse, behind but it couldn't be helped. She had been vying for the post that the CDC was currently advertising for months now. It was quite unfortunate that the opening had come now and would take her so far away from home and probably for a little while if she got the job.

When she got to the kitchen, her cousin Tia was already having breakfast. Unlike her cousin who was blond haired, Tia had a thick head of brunette curls that she allowed to wildly frame her small round face. Her eyes, unlike Emilia's were an emerald green.

"You're ready to go?" Tia asked as she took a bite from her French toast.

"Yes, I'll be taking a cab to the airport so the Camaro is going to be your problem for the next two weeks or so." Emilia said as she snagged her own piece of toast whilst reaching for her briefcase.

She proceeded to pour herself a cup of coffee so she could at least have had some form of breakfast if she was going on a long trip.

"Aw, you're leaving Bumblebee behind?" Tia said, wiping an invisible tear from her left cheek.

"Oh my god, you're still calling it that?" Emilia asked with a raised brow.

"Well, let's see. Is he a yellow Chevy Camaro? Check. Does he have racing stripes? Also check. Did the douchebag who left him here have a thing for the transformers? Yes I believe that sack of turds that is your ex did." Tia said with a smirk. "Now why the hell did he leave his car here again?"

"Because he broke up with me over the phone and was too embarrassed to come back for his stuff. Including his car." Emilia said as she downed the last of her coffee hoping it would wash away the bile that threatened to rise in her mouth.

She hated talking about her ex. Brian always left a bitter taste in her mouth.

"So, Transylvania. That's kind of far. And mountainous. Do take lots of pics for me and Jesse. If you can send us postcards that would be better." Tia said with a cheery smile as she tried to cheer her cousin up.

"Postcards? Who still does those?" Emilia asked with a smirk as she got up, readying herself to leave.

"Everyone does those! Have you been leaving in a cave or something?" Tia asked.

"Yeah, yeah. I gotta go or I'll be late for my plane." Emilia said as she gave her cousin a hug and kissed her cheek. "Make sure Jesse gets his rice patties first thing when he wakes or he'll throw a fit. And never give him any milk no matter how much he begs you. He's lactose intolerant so you'll be up all night if you don't..."

"I got it. This isn't the first time I've had to watch over my nephew you know." Tia said as she pushed Emilia away, offended by her cousin's lack of faith in her babysitting abilities.

With a final goodbye, Emilia lift her briefcase and left the comfort of her little home. The drive to the airport went by quickly as she paid no attention to the landscapes that blurred around her. She was so nervous, it was a miracle she did not throw up in the backseat of that cab. When the cab finally pulled up by the airport, she found someone was already waiting for her. The man, who promptly introduced himself as Caleb took her bags and escorted her to where she would be boarding her aircraft. She was even more astounded when she realized that she would not be boarding the usual aeroplane most passengers were used to.

"We're traveling via helicopter?" She asked, turning her attention to Caleb.

"Yes, Miss Larsson. The mountainside makes it very tricky for a jet to land plus there aren't really any airstrips built for them by the base." Caleb explained, raising his voice so she could hear him over the deafening sound of the propellers.

He helped her get into the helicopter before joining her. They immediately set off to the medical base she had been called to all the way up the Transylvanian Alps.

She knew she should have been enjoying the scenery from her view but she couldn't help the nausea she now felt. What if she botched the interview? Even if she was the best candidate there was no guarantee that she wouldn't mess it up.

Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to calm down as she closed her eyes to daydream.

Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to calm down as she closed her eyes to daydream

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