Day Nine Part Two

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Word count →_→ 1131 words

The problem with letting yourself flow with the tide is that sometimes the tide can pull you to the deepest and darkest of places. You'll find yourself drowning, unable to break free.

Eight hours earlier

He could feel the darkness pulling him down under. To resist it caused him great pain but surrendering himself to it brought a calming and peaceful silence.

He liked the silence. Silence was good. Silence meant that that terrifying voice in his head would go away. It also meant he would stop hallucinating.

He could just lie down, close his eyes and dream. That wasn't such a bad thing, was it?

It was the most peaceful he had felt in days. He wanted to resist - had been trying to resist - but the voice in his head kept telling him to give in and embrace the darkness.

So that's what he did.

There was nothing at first. Only the cold darkness. Then he heard the echo of a scream.

Why would anyone be screaming?

He blinked away the darkness as everything came into focus. His surroundings were foreign to him yet strangely familiar as was the man who lay on the floor.

The man's dark skin glistened in the moonlight, his white lab coat stained a deep crimson along his belly by what he assumed was blood.

"Thomas, please..." The man pleaded and this confused him.

Why would he call him Thomas? And why was the man looking at him with such fear in his eyes? It's not like he would hurt the poor guy, right?

He opened his mouth to speak but stopped when suddenly his senses were invaded by a sweet scent that caused his mouth to salivate.

Whatever it was that possessed that heavenly aroma, he wanted it. He just had to have a taste. Even his stomach agreed as it suddenly cramped painfully with the hunger he felt.

It was a hypnotic feeling that roused the primitive beast within him only this time he knew what it was.

He had felt it but never when he was awake. It had only ever been in his dreams. Only now did it suddenly sink in that maybe he hadn't been dreaming all those times. Maybe... no, it couldn't be. Could not be real.

He tried to back up but found he couldn't move. More specifically, he had no control over his own body as he found himself attacking the man.

Like a prisoner in his own mind he was forced to watch as his body - the body he possessed- tore the man apart limb from limb. No matter how hard he tried to break free of his mental prison, he was trapped in that particular moment, in a body that wasn't even his - forced to watch and partake in the killing. He could feel the poor man dying as his body was ripped apart - taste the warm blood that slid down a throat that wasn't his own.

Only when he felt the bile rise in his throat did he find himself back in his own body. His body shook violently at the vivid memory of what he had just experienced.

"What is happening to me?" He asked no one in particular.

The despair was suffocating as the tears started to slowly stream down his face.

Auw, aren't you a cute little thing. How's crying going to help you?

He opened his eyes wide to find himself staring at his smiling reflection.

Oh god, it's this place,he thought. This place is making me see things.

Really you're still telling yourself that?

He closed his eyes to block the voice but when he did he found himself back in that awful place - evil laughter echoing in his head.

Thankfully this time when he opened his eyes again he was able to escape that place. That was the only good part seeing as he was still seeing his double seating cross-legged on his bed right in front of him.

"Hey, beautiful idiot, I'm not your hallucination." This time he heard the voice out loud and not in his mind. "I am you. Well ... I'm the part of you that doesn't want want to die. You feel it don't you? That poison that they are slowly pumping into your veins... But whether it kills you or you choose to evolve is entirely your choice. But you better make it fast because we don't have long. In short..."

In the blink of an eye he found himself pinned onto the bed.

"You better get your shit together or I will do it for you."


Daniel looked between the two of them before he broke into a smile.

"Did I get here in time for breakfast? Tell me you saved some for me." He said with a wide smile.

His jovial energy was not reciprocated, however, as Misty merely gave him an icy smile in return whilst Alex ignored him completely and continued looking into empty space.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your meal time but I thought we could get this out of the way." He said as he turned to Alex. "Hey, you with me?"

He had to wave a hand in front of Alex's face before he turned slowly to face him.

"Are you okay kid?" Daniel asked. He was a little spooked by Alex's odd behavior but he tried not to let it show.

"Yes... I'm fine." Alex said maintaining the aloof expression.

Daniel simply raised an eyebrow at this. He could see that Alex wasn't fine. In fact, now that he was looking, Daniel could see that his complexion was a little too pale. Ashen even. Even his veins were a little too dark... He would have to look into it but discreetly so as not to rouse suspicion.

"Okay then. I need to do a covid test on you, Alex. We need to be sure if we are getting anywhere. While you may feel fine, your body may not be. Which is why we need the test." Daniel explained. "The test will be a RT-PCR test or what is called a molecular test that we use to detect genetic material of the virus using a lab technique called reverse polymerase chain reaction. RT-PCR in short. Now this is going to be... Not painful per se, only very annoying and irritating.

I'm sure you've probably seen or heard about it. I'll collect a fluid sample by inserting a long nasal swab into your nostril and take fluid from the back of your nose.

We should have the results in minutes."

He smiled to reassure him but it seemed like Alex hadn't even heard a thing he'd said. With a sigh, he proceeded to get the swab and went on with the test.

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