Day Ten Part Two

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Emilia couldn't stop the scream that escaped her lips as Sergeant Philly shot at Misty. She couldn't stop her knees from shaking when she realized that the chest gunshot wounds had no effect more than to piss her off.

"I'll distract her, you run." He said to her as he kept shooting.

She didn't like the idea of splitting up but she wasn't going to stay here with that man eating creature that used to be her friend. That is why she did as he said and left him there.

Her legs burned as she ran towards the diner. She didn't know if that was a good idea. For all she knew there were other poor souls who had lost their minds as well and were now mindlessly killing their own.

When she neared the diner, however, she encountered a group of soldiers. They were probably security detail but their body language screamed soldier.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" One of them demanded.

She considered running but knew she couldn't outrun them. She eventually decided she was safer with them than alone.

"I'm sorry but I got lost." She said, lying through her teeth.

"Well you're not supposed to be here," one of them said as he grabbed her arm.

She let them lead her towards the diner. Here and there she would tune into their conversation only to catch bits and pieces of it. From all she could get was that there was some new viral outbreak that was turning people into savage beasts. God forbid she actually call them zombies.

It sounded ridiculous and she wouldn't have believed it herself if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes.

She was startled when they came to a sudden and abrupt pause. Her own eyes followed those of the soldiers she was traveling with. It was then she realized their reason for suddenly stopping.

There was someone in front of them, someone very familiar, who was crouching in front of them. His long dark hair cascading his face as he bent over a body that laid unconscious on the ground.

Time seemed to stop, even her heart as he turned to look at them.

His eyes shone a frightening gold color which would have freaked her out if she hadn't been more concerntrated on the blood that stained his lips. The sight was so terrifying that she found herself frozen to the spot even as he turned to face them completely.

She stood unmoving, not even hearing what the men were saying even as he began to move towards them.

It all happened so fast. She saw one of them pull out what looked like a grenade and throw it at Alex whilst someone else pulled her back.

The explosion was instant, with a rebound that made them all fall back. As she watched the dust settle, she observed the destruction caused by the explosion. Part of the wall had been destroyed, the debris scattered all over.

As she was helped up, her ears still rang with the noise of the explosion. Her heart was racing. Everything was just happening too fast it all felt surreal.

They were about to walk away when they suddenly noticed some movement beneath the debris. Everyone stopped as they curiously looked ahead, their curiosity turning into shock when they watched the figure rise from the rubble.

One of his hands was missing and this seemed to cause him great pain but then she watched as the impossible happened. In the blink of an eye he grew back the missing hand before turning to face them, his expression one of annoyance.

It was at that moment she knew they were all doomed. Even as the men around her opened fire, she knew that they could never win against him.

He moved at impossible speed as he attacked them one by one, tearing the men around her into pieces. Their screams echoed all around her but somehow she remained untouched even as she fell over. He never touched her
Or maybe he was waiting to finish off the others before he focused solely on her but she was certain of one thing. This was not Alex, at least not the Alex she knew.

She pressed her cheek against the asphalt and prayed the dead around her would cover her scent. Maybe he would forget all about her. Maybe she could escape without him noticing.

All her thoughts were frozen when she suddenly felt a palm press against her lips. She wanted to scream but when she realized that it was Sergeant Philly, she calmed down a little.

He motioned for her to be quiet as he led her away from the slaughter.

Once they were a good distance away, neither of them needed any encouragement to run.

"Come on, this place isn't safe anymore. Those things... Their infection is spreading faster than a wildfire." He said as he ran besides her. "We need to get to the roof. That's where all the choppers are docked. That's the only way we can leave this place."

As if on cue, one of the infected came out of nowhere and tried to attack them. Sergeant Philly wasted no time as he shot the woman on the head.

They didn't stop to confirm if she was dead. The only important thing was getting away.

As they ran, Emilia did allow her eyes to wander around her. Somehow, in a short space of time, the facility had become a war zone. She could see other people trying to get away. Some did get away but some were being slowly overwhelmed.

When a person was taken down, it didn't take long before the infection took over. It seemed to happen almost instantly. By the time they made it outside, the number of infected that were chasing after them had increased. At one point she could have sworn she saw someone who resembled Doctor Rudolph's brother among them.

Of course she had no time to think on it, she was running for her life.

"They're gaining on us." She heard Sergeant Philly say. "Whatever happens. You mustn't stop running. Get to that chopper!"

And run she did even as her legs felt like they were on fire.

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