Day Nine Part Three

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Word count→_→ 1453 words


He looked at the test one last before he gave a satisfactory smile.

"Great news, the covid test is negative. I have to say that I am pleased by our results. It's always a good thing if we achieve the main objective - being a successful cure in this case." He went on to say as he faced his spectators before turning to Alex. "You've done well until now. All that's left is the final lap and then we'll be all done."

The young man didn't respond Doctor Rudolph took it as a cure to go on.

"Well, tomorrow is the day we administer our last dosage. I will need to do a few blood tests throughout today to determine if the dosage is actually needed." he continued. "Is there anything you want to ask? Maybe something you want? An indulgence, maybe?"

He stood there waiting for Alex's response. At first it seemed that Alex had not heard him at all but after a few seconds he responded.

"Anything I want..." he began thoughtfully as he turned to face the man. "Yes... there is something I want... Then again - you already know what I want."

"Hm... Do you mean chess? I'm not a good player but..." Doctor Rudolph stopped talking when he saw that Alex was laughing.

This confused him especially when he did not recall making a joke. Even Misty was confused. She had managed to recollect herself, the previous occurrence completely forgotten.

"You're really funny," Alex said in between fits of laughter.

"Did I say something funny? I'm confused here." Daniel said looking from to Misty.

Misty merely shrugged at the odd behavior.

"You already know what I want, doc, isn't that why I'm here?" Alex went on. "Now that I've kept my end of the bargain, it's time you kept yours."

"Alex, what are you talking about?" Misty asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Don't worry about it, Misty." Daniel said before turning to Alex. "And yes I haven't forgotten, Alex. I intend to keep my promise. Once we are done here I will get the UN to petition for the pardon."

"Pardon? What pardon?" Misty asked. She had never been more confused than she was now. She wanted to understand what was going on but she just couldn't get what they were talking about.

Alex said nothing as he tried to process what he had just been told.

Did the doc just say he would get the UN to petition his father's pardon?

It was then that it dawned on him- everything was a lie. All of it. They had used him and lied to him about it and this enraged him especially when he recalled that they had originally approached his mother. Had they intended to use her as well?

All these thoughts caused a hot blinding rage to bubble deep within him.

"Now, if that would be all, you should rest up. Maybe finish your breakfast first." The doctor said as he began to gather his things.

"No... No... That's not what you said before." Alex said with a frown. "You said if I help you you'd pardon my father."

"Wait, what?" Misty exclaimed as she turned to face Doctor Rudolph with a questioning look. "Did you say that to him?"

"Of course not. You misunderstood me, Alex..."

"I misunderstood nothing!" Alex interrupted, his expression growing darker. "I'm going home because clearly lying is the only thing you know. God... I am such a fool."

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