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She should have known.

The chaos in the sky had been a warning, a premonition of the tragedy about unfolding. The clouds churned and writhed like the ocean during a storm, and the emptiness in her chest matched the hollowness of the sky.

But Fatimè ignored the signs. Today was supposed to be the happiest day of her life, the day she would marry the man she loved more than anything in the world. She had no time for jitters or omens of doom.

Everything changed when her father appeared in the doorway. His face was ashen, his eyes brimming with tears. The sight of him made her heart race and her stomach drop.

He cleared his throat, and every sound in the room became amplified, the rustle of his crisp babbar riga, the creak of the bed as he sat down beside her. He took a deep breath as if summoning the strength to deliver the news.

And then he spoke.

"Fatimè, there's been an accident..."

Those words echoed in her head, drowning out everything else. She wanted to scream, to deny the reality of what she had just heard. She clung to her father's arm, seeking comfort, but he seemed far away as if he were delivering the news from another world.

"I am sorry," he whispered.

The tears came, hot and fierce, and she wondered if she could ever stop crying. The words that kept ringing in her head were "in an accident," "he's no more," and "I am sorry."

This had to be a bad dream. She would go with that.

"Is she going to be okay?" her mother asked.

She was tempted to laugh out loud at the question.

"Okay?" After this, how would she be okay?

She should have known there was nothing good about chaos in the sky.

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