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Abuja, Nigeria.

22nd June, 2018.

Rukayya stood at the entrance of the restaurant, her demeanor uncertain. The restaurant was still in the midst of its construction phase, with the scent of fresh paint and the echoes of hammering and drilling lingering in the air.

"Let's go to that side..." she suggested, her voice lowered. "There's so much noise in here."

Fatimè agreed, and they walked toward a quieter corner of the restaurant, seeking refuge from the ongoing renovations. As they settled into their seats, an awkward tension hung in the air. Fatimè was eager to hear what Rukayya had to say, as the situation had piqued her curiosity.

Rukayya broke the silence, her words carrying a mixture of emotions. "When I heard Kamal was getting married again, honestly, I did not care. But when I saw you, I became worried."

Fatimè raised an eyebrow, surprised by Rukayya's candid admission. She wondered if Rukayya felt threatened by her presence.

"Kamal and I's marriage was arranged," Rukayya continued, "So I did not go in with any expectations. But I thought both of us would try to at least make it work, and that was when I found out it was three of us in this marriage."

Fatimè was genuinely puzzled. "Three of you?"

Rukayya nodded. "Me, him, and the love of his life."

She was silent as she knew of the Piya situation but she waited to hear Rukayya's side, "This is where things get interesting, this girl and you.. are so similar."

Fatimè's eyes widened in surprise. She hadn't anticipated the conversation taking such a turn. "So, you think he married me because I look like the same girl he once loved?"

Rukayya sighed, her gaze distant as she recalled her experiences. "He was obsessed with this girl, a very unhealthy obsession. He had keepsakes of her—pictures, mementos, and more..."

Fatimè struggled to grasp the implications of Rukayya's revelations. "And what did you do about all of these?"

"I was already pregnant," Rukayya explained, her voice tinged with resignation. "I thought, why not try to make it work? At least for the baby. And I have to admit, things were going well until I almost lost Adil. I woke up one day bleeding, and we rushed to the hospital. Although the baby was safe, the doctor reported it was an attempted abortion."

Fatimè was taken aback. "Wait, what?"

"Yes," Rukayya confirmed with a solemn nod. "I was very confused until I overheard a conversation.


7th July, 2018.

The wedding hall was a grand spectacle, adorned with elaborate decorations ranging from cascading fairy lights to opulent floral arrangements. The air buzzed with lively chatter of guests and the rhythmic beats of the music, creating an atmosphere of celebration and joy for Fahad and Zahra's wedding.

Kamal sat at the far end of the hall, immersed in the festivities, sipping a cool diet coke as he swayed gently to the infectious beats. Unbeknownst to Fatimè, she spotted him from across the hall as she contemplated stepping outside for a breath of fresh air. Her surprise was evident as she approached his table.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, genuinely taken aback.

Kamal, with his usual charm, pulled out a seat for her. "Attending an event I was invited to," he replied, casually taking another sip of his coke.

Fatimè realized she had entirely forgotten that she had sent him an invite. "You did not tell me you were coming," she remarked.

"It was a last-minute decision," Kamal explained before offering a compliment. "You look beautiful."

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