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Abuja, Nigeria.

11th December, 2016.

Kamal's unwavering determination to pursue Fatimè was evident as he remained unfazed by her response. "I take it that you received my message," he said calmly.

"Yes," Fatimè replied curtly, "and you must be out of your mind to think that going to my father would make me say yes. What is your problem?"

Kamal listened attentively, understanding the depth of Fatimè's anger. He wanted to explain himself, to make her see his perspective, "I am sorry," he began, his voice tinged with regret, "I just wanted to..."

"Listen and listen well," Fatimè cut him off, her voice laced with anger. "Stay away from me. I don't know who you are, and I don't bloody care. It would do you good to stay away from me and my family! Do not ever call me again!" she exclaimed, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Without waiting for Kamal's response, Fatimè ended the call, her finger hovering over the disconnect button. Kamal's words had only made things worse. How did he even get her number? Fatimè wondered as she threw her phone on the bed, trying to calm her frayed nerves.


Gombe, Nigeria.

Madina emerged from the bathroom, adjusting the towel on her head. The soft hues and clean lines of her room provided a quiet atmosphere, complementing her need for serenity after the exhausting wedding events. She thought about how hot showers were truly a blessing to mankind.

Lying on her back, Madina let out a deep sigh of relief, the coolness of the air hinted at the arrival of the harmattan season, adding a slight chill to the atmosphere.

Just as she was about to fully immerse herself in her thoughts, her phone rang, interrupting her moment of solitude. A groan escaped her mouth, signaling her lack of interest in any conversation at the moment. Nevertheless, she reached for the phone, knowing it was Fatimè on the other end. "Good timing," Madina thought to herself, realizing she had been planning to call her cousin anyway.

"Madina! What the hell?" Fatimè exclaimed as soon as Madina picked up. The intensity of her cousin's voice immediately caught her attention. "Why did you give him my number?"

Fatimè sounded angry, and Madina had to pause to register whatever it was that she was saying.

"What number? What are you talking about?" Madina asked, genuinely confused.

"Cut the crap. Airport guy? How did he get my number?" Fatimè snapped back, her frustration evident.

"Whoa, whoa. Hold up. He called? Sleek!" Madina exclaimed, trying to contain her laughter, though she understood the seriousness of the situation.

"Madina Hamidu! I am not in the mood for your games," Fatimè retorted, her tone still laced with irritation.

Realizing the need to assure Fatimè of her innocence, Madina composed herself and replied, "Okay, okay. Calm down, Tims. Walahi, I did not share your contact with him."

Fatimè's anger seemed to simmer down slightly at Madina's reassurance. "And why would you even think I did? Last time I checked, you were the one who had a conversation with him at the airport. Not me."

Fatimè let out the details of the encounter and Madina squealed when she learned that Kamal had met with Baaba, her excitement mixed with disbelief. "Nah, this man has got some balls," she exclaimed, unable to contain her amusement.

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