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Lagos, Nigeria.

17th February, 2018.

You know that thing where you get scolded for something you did not do? – That was what Fatimè's predicament was looking like. She remembered when she was much younger, her brother, Khalifa would misbehave and her mother would scold her too. It was always, 'Where were you?' 'Why did you not stop him? 'Did you not see him?' as if she was not struggling with her poor eyesight already.

Fatimè cursed whoever planted the embarrassing video that made her look bad in front of her bosses—recalling her talk with HR Manager Arc. Yemi, she apologized, genuinely shocked about the video.

"I didn't expect this from you, Mrs. Fatimè." 

"I know, sir, and I am deeply sorry. I swear I have no clue how that video got into my system. I'm as shocked as you are."

Arc. Yemi, who'd known Fatimè since childhood as the daughter of one of their partners, vouched for her character. He acknowledged her hard work and decency even before she joined their company. she never for once, used the title of her father being the owner of the company as a ground to misbehave.

"I understand," he said, "But the problem is the video was inappropriate for a professional presentation. Unfortunately, there have to be consequences. You'll be off the project temporarily while we investigate."

Fatimè felt really disappointed. She loved that project. She nodded and left his office, relieved she wasn't suspended or fired.

The ringing of her phone interrupted Fatimè's thoughts. It was Fahad. She felt relieved as she recalled promising Adda Fa'iza to talk to him.

"Butter... Fatimè. How are you?" 

He was still trying to get used to not calling her by the nickname he had given her years ago. 

"Alhamdulillah. How are you?" 

"Great," he replied, sensing something off. "You sure you're okay? You don't sound good. Still thinking about the baby?"

"No, not that. Something happened at work..."

"That's messed up!" Fahad exclaimed after Fatimè spilled the details. "Any idea who did it?"

"No. No one has access to my work laptop. But why would someone do this to me?"

"People do things, you know? Maybe someone at work has a grudge."

Fatimè paused, recalling the incident with Sadiq. "Nah, can't be him. He wouldn't stoop that low."

"What happened?" Fahad asked.

Fatimè explained about Sadiq and the cafeteria incident. "Think he's behind this?"

"We can't say for sure. We need proof. Check if he touched your laptop, maybe office cameras can help."

She decided to discuss it with Adaeze on Monday.

"Enough about me," Fatimè said. "I've been wanting to talk to you. About Zahra..."

Fahad groaned. "Not you too. Adda Fa'i put you up to this?"

"No, but we're just looking out for you..."

"This is draining. Everyone thinks they know what's best for me. No shit, I just want to be with this girl. I wish Ammi understood, but I'm hopeful. Been praying, and I know it'll happen."

"In sha Allah," Fatimè said.

"Gotta take this call. We'll talk." Fahad hung up, another failed attempt to discuss his talk with Rukayya.

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