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Gombe, Nigeria.

9th December 2016

Fatimè gazed at him, her face etched with confusion at his sudden presence. She couldn't help but notice his tall, dark-skinned figure, radiating a handsome charm. His eyes, the most striking feature on his face, held a depth that intrigued her. Dressed in a well-tailored light brown kaftan, with the tangaran cap sitting beautifully on his head, he exuded an air of elegance, complemented by the subtle woody scent of 'Maison Margiela'. His wristwatch, glinting in the light, added a touch of sophistication to his attire.

What are you doing here?" Fatimè asked.

He replied, "I have a business meeting."

She couldn't fathom why he would have a business meeting at a wedding.

Sensing her confusion, he quickly added "It's the only place I could reach the client," "What about you?" He asked, genuinely interested in her presence.

"Bride and groom. They're both my cousins," Fatimè replied, subtly mentioning her familial connection to the event.

He then felt the need to address any concerns she might have, he said, "My son is safe at home. It was a one-time incident. I'm not careless with my child."

"I'm glad to hear that," Fatimè smiled, appreciating his reassurance. "I'm heading back inside now, so..."

"Oh, right, me too. After you," He gestured, inviting her to lead the way.

She glanced around as they returned to the bustling wedding hall and was relieved to see that most of the guests had left. She didn't want to draw any unnecessary attention or field any nosy questions from her relatives about the young man accompanying her.

They sat at a nearby table in silence, Fatimè tapping away on her phone to occupy herself. When the DJ lowered the volume for the couple's first dance, Kamal seized the opportunity to initiate a conversation, "What do you like to do?"

Without looking up from her phone, she replied with all seriousness, "Sleep."

He was taken aback by her response, finding it both amusing and intriguing. To him, sleep was merely a necessity, so he couldn't fathom someone viewing it as a hobby.

"And what's your favorite brand of toothpaste?" He continued.

Fatimè burst out laughing, finding the question rather unconventional. "What kind of silly question is that?"

"Okay, let me ask a more serious one,"

Fatimè took a sip of water from the bottle on the table.

"Will you marry me?" He blurted out.

She choked on the water, coughing and sputtering in surprise. "What the hell?" she gasped, her physical reaction mirroring the shock and confusion that surged within her. Quickly regaining her composure, Fatimè stood up from the table and walked away, leaving him perplexed, wondering what he had done wrong.


Fahad let out a yawn for the nth time. The girl seated next to him just wasn't getting it at all. Her incessant chatter was starting to wear him down, and he couldn't help but wonder why his mother insisted on sending girls his way. While he acknowledged that the girl seated beside him was undeniably pretty, her non-stop talking was becoming unbearable.

He was also exhausted from last night's sotol event. It was a small event for the groom where he comes before his mother for blessings and prayers. He is then showered with gifts and his cousins have to give him a new name. one of their cousins, Mukhtar suggested the name, 'basir' prompting Mahmud's friends to pay for a 'ransom' so the name could be changed.

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