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Lagos, Nigeria.

"Wow. I cannot believe you kept all this from me..." Fatimè's face showed clear hurt after her cousin's revelation.

"Tims, I told you, it's nothing," Madina insisted.

"Nothing? Are you for real, Madina? Come on. Do you know how I feel right now? Like utter shit. What's the point of being sisters if I can't be there for you?"

"You had so much on your plate—Adda Furaira's loss, then Khalid's. I just didn't think it was fair to add to it, you know? I could handle it, and I am," Madina explained, trying to justify her decision.

"How long?" Fatimè asked, her voice filled with sadness. "How long have you been in love with him?"

"It's been a couple of years, but I'm over it, honestly. I've made peace with the fact that it wouldn't work," Madina revealed, hoping to reassure her cousin.

"And are you okay?" Fatimè pressed, concern evident in her voice.

"Jeez, Tims! What's gotten into you? Abeg," Madina chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "Of course, I'm okay. You worry too much. You'll end up stressing this baby... Wait, have you started shopping for baby stuff? I can't see any lying around. I saw this page that has some nice items, and..."

Fatimè let out an exasperated sigh, unable to comprehend how the conversation had suddenly shifted to baby talk.


Abuja, Nigeria.

15th January, 2018.

"So what do you think about the soil and foundation?" Rukayya asked as they inspected the building site for her restaurant.

"Based on our initial assessment, it looks stable, but we are in the process of conducting another test just to make sure it is suitable for construction. It won't take long, just a few more days," the engineer in charge of the project responded.

"What about the materials for the exterior? What do you suggest we use?"

"Considering durability, maintenance, and cost, we have included different options..." He handed Rukayya a file. "You can go through this to see which one works for you. We have provided all the information and also included our recommendation for this project. What kind of equipment will you need in the kitchen?"

"I plan on having a large kitchen," Rukayya explained. "With commercial-grade equipment, I would need space for refrigeration, cooking appliances, and a prep station. What about the outdoor seating we discussed earlier?"

"It is feasible. I have included all the plans in the file too, including parking and everything else."

Rukayya nodded and began perusing through the file. It seemed like the project was in good hands, and she couldn't wait to see it through.

"This looks good," she finally said. "I'll still go through it later, and if I have any additions, I'll let you know."

"That's fine by me. We'll commence work next week, in sha Allah," the engineer confirmed, heading towards his car.

Rukayya watched him walk away, contemplating whether or not to approach him. She had intended to keep things strictly professional, but the nagging feeling in her heart couldn't be ignored any longer. It had been there for a very long time, and she knew she needed to do something about it.

"Wait," she called out, stopping Fahad in his tracks.

He turned, waiting to hear what she had to say.

"I need to talk to you. It's about your cousin."


Lagos, Nigeria.

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