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Tokyo, Japan

30th October 2017.

When Kamal mentioned a trip, Fatimè had no idea he was referring to her dream country. She couldn't believe her ears when he told her they were going to Japan. Every otaku dreams of visiting Japan at least once in their life. It turned out he had been planning the trip ever since she said yes to him. Oh, what was she going to do with this man?

Today was their eighth day in Japan, and every second of it had been thoroughly enjoyed by Fatimè. The majestic shrines, refined culture, therapeutic hot springs, adventure, and picture-perfect sights made it all worthwhile. The happiest place on earth—'Disneyland'—was where their journey started. The pure bliss she felt was unmatched as Kamal unleashed the inner child in him.

Two days were spent in Hakone, where she finally learned how to ride a bike after numerous failed attempts. The 'Kinkakuji' temple had them holding hands, enjoying the serene ambiance. And what would a trip to Japan be without tea? Kamal made sure it was on their itinerary, knowing how much Fatimè loved tea. Meeting a real-life 'geisha' made the experience even more special.

Plans for a post-wedding shoot were made by Fatimè, and the Japanese wedding photo shoot was perfect for that. Pictures that made her feel a bit embarrassed had her cousins gushing over them. Kamal, on the other hand, got lost in museums and attractions, and his inner photographer ignited with Fatimè playfully teasing him about quitting hisjob so he could focus more on taking pictures.

Kamal's love for books was on full display as they spent hours at 'Bunkitsu', with her having to drag him out, but not before acquiring over twenty books. The highlight of his trip was when Fatimè surprised him with tickets to his favorite author's book signing. He smothered her with kisses upon finding out that he would meet the famous 'Haruki Murakami'.

Overall, the trip was amazing for both of them. Given the chance, they would have stayed longer, but their jobs were waiting for them. On a group video call with Madina, Intisar, and Mufida, stories about the trip were enthusiastically shared by Fatimè.

You guys wouldn't understand." Fatimè exclaimed, "I don't want to go backkkk."

"Toh, tell him you're not returning," Intisar said with a mocking tone.

"Yes," Madina added. "You both can quit your jobs and just stay there forever."

Fatimè couldn't help but laugh. "As much as that sounds tempting, na love, we go chop?"

"Oho!" Mufida chimed in, "You better pack your bags and come back home. This baby can't wait any longer."

Mufida was due in a few weeks, and as the official godmother, Fatimè couldn't miss it.

"Yes, ma!" Fatimè replied. "I have to go now; my husband is back."

"Ahn Ahn!" Intisar clapped. "My husband, FC. It's not easy o."

"Abeg, get out," Fatimè said, ending the call.

She felt Kamal's hands on her waist as he kissed her neck. "Hi, baby."

Gently taking his hands off, she turned to him and placed her index finger on his chest. "Hi, baby. Shower, please."

Kamal had just returned from the hotel's gym and was looking a bit sweaty. Sweat, even her own, was something Fatimè had an unhealthy aversion to.

He shook his head and said, "Okay, ma'am," before disappearing into the bathroom.

While Kamal showered, the rest of their packing was finished up by Fatimè. Their flight was scheduled for tomorrow at 10 a.m. The hustle of the morning rush was detested by her, so the night before a trip was when she always packed.

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