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Abuja, Nigeria.

26th April, 2017.

Zahra and Khajja stood outside, awaiting Zahra's ride. The sun dipped low, casting a warm glow on the quiet neighborhood. Khajja turned to Zahra, a light breeze tousling their veils, and asked, "So has the date been set?"

Zahra shook her head, her eyes shining with excitement, "No, not yet. They are coming next week for the formal introduction."

Khajja's face lit up with joy, "Ma sha Allah! I am so happy for you."

Zahra beamed, her anticipation palpable, "I know right? I am so excited."

Meanwhile, in a sleek white Venza parked a few houses away, a woman with an air of mystery about her was on the phone with someone. The wind whispered through the trees as she inquired, "Is it done?"

"Yes," the person on the other end replied, their voice tinged with secrecy.

"Exactly like I asked?"

"Yes. The message has already been delivered."

"Good. You'll hear from me soon," the woman said before ending the call. With a confident smile, she started the car and drove past Zahra and Khajja, the engine's hum fading into the evening. Little did Zahra know, she was about to face something she never saw coming.

Abuja, Nigeria.

28th April, 2017.

"Ah, gaskiya dun wattako, This would put our family's reputation at stake..." Fatimè heard her aunt say as she stepped into the house. The TV was off, and a tray with a bowl of half-eaten danwake sat on the coffee table. Her aunt only nodded to her greetings, and she shrugged off her aunt's dismissive response, making her way upstairs to Madina's room.

The atmosphere in the house was heavy, the air thick with tension as Fatimè entered. The room, though slightly messy, offered a glimpse into Madina's life—a pile of books on the reading desk, an open notebook, and a textbook on business law hinted at diligent studying.

Madina was seated in front of the dresser, engrossed in the task of loosening her braids. Fatimè tapped her shoulder to get her attention, and Madina took off her air pods, which were blasting music in her ears.

"Keh!" Fatimè said, and Madina turned to face her with a smile. "Tims!? When did you get here?" Madina asked, curious about her cousin's sudden appearance.

"Just now, ko fe'i? I met Umma in the sitting room, and she was looking very upset. She did not even answer my greetings," Fatimè explained.

"Hm, is it not your cousin?" Madina replied nonchalantly.

"Do not give me yeye gist, please. Be more specific," Fatimè urged.

"Fahad..." Madina started, and Fatimè's eyes widened. Fahad was known for being responsible and level-headed, so this news was surprising.

"Fahad kuma? Hah, what did he do?" Fatimè asked in disbelief.

As Madina loosened her braids, Fatimè took the other mitsilla from the dresser and began helping her out. "It is not him per se. It is Zahra," Madina explained.

"Ahn, his girlfriend? What happened?" Fatimè asked, intrigued.

"Turns out she was involved in a scandal. Nudes scandal," Madina revealed.

Fatimè's mouth opened in surprise, not at the scandal itself, but at the fact that Zahra was involved. Nudes scandals were unfortunately common, with girls sending explicit pictures to men they trusted, only to have their trust betrayed.

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