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Abuja, Nigeria.

September, 2011.

The living room was tense as Alhaji Hussein sat in his armchair, with an unspoken tension hanging in the air. Hajia Hillu moved about the room, trying to dispel the discomfort by preparing tea. Alhaji's stern gaze followed her, and when tea was finally served, he spoke in a commanding tone, "Hillu, we need to address Kamal's lack of direction. He left medical school, and although he claims this business venture is successful, I still question his decisions." 

Hajia Hillu nodded nervously, aware of the strained relationship between father and son. "Yes, I have also noticed he has been distant and troubled lately. But pushing him too hard might worsen the situation."

Just then, Kamal walked into the room. The weight of his father's disapproval hung in the air, making the atmosphere even more stifling for him as he greeted with a cautious "Assalamu Alaikum."

His father acknowledged him with a curt nod, his stern expression unyielding. "Wa Alaikumul Salaam. Sit down."

Kamal took a seat, his mother's worried eyes meeting his briefly before she lowered her gaze, pouring the tea.

"Kamal," his father began, his voice a blend of authority and disappointment, "I've made a decision regarding your future."

Kamal's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and apprehension flashing across his face. His father's expectations, like a looming thundercloud, seemed ready to burst.

"I've spoken to an old friend," his father continued, his gaze unwavering, "and I believe it's time for you to settle down. Rukayya, his daughter, is a suitable match."

The news hit Kamal like a sudden gust of wind, leaving him momentarily breathless. He struggled to maintain composure, his eyes darting between his father's stern face and the untouched tea in front of him.

"This alliance is not just for the family's benefit but for your stability," his father asserted.

Kamal's internal conflict was visible in the clenching of his jaw and the subtle furrow of his brows. He fought to keep his emotions in check, his hands unconsciously gripping the edge of the seat.

His mother, sensing his silent struggle, shot him a sympathetic glance. The room felt like a battlefield of unspoken words, with the weight of expectations pressing down on Kamal's shoulders.

Alhaji Hussein, seemingly satisfied with Kamal's silence, concluded, "Good. This decision is final. You will meet Rukayya and her family soon. It's time to put your responsibilities first."

Kamal was still silent, the turmoil within him mirrored in the conflict etched on his face. As the weighty conversation continued, he grappled with the clash between his desires and the expectations imposed upon him by his father.


Lagos, Nigeria.

June 2012

In the dimly lit study, Kamal sat hunched over his desk, his face shrouded in shadows, staring blankly at a series of documents scattered across the mahogany surface. The soft glow of a desk lamp highlighted the desperation etched into his features. A heavy silence hung in the air, disrupted only by the distant hum of the city beyond.

The door creaked open, and Rukayya hesitated on the threshold, watching her husband with concern etched across her face. She hadn't seen him like this before --- a tempest of emotions raging beneath his usually composed exterior. Stepping into the room cautiously, she could feel the palpable turmoil synchronizing with the pounding of her own heart.

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