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"Wow. I love this." Kamal had the most boyish grin on his face as he held the GPS golf smartwatch. "This is one of the best things ever, and it will certainly make golf much more enjoyable."

Fatimè felt fulfilled; it was worth it. She had felt the urge to get her husband a wedding gift, just because. These two weeks had been unforgettable for her, as she had savored every moment—the bliss, companionship, sleep, Kamal cooking, the absence of work stress, and, oh yes, the sleep. All they did was revel in each other's company; it was truly a honeymoon.

"Thank you so much," Kamal said, reaching out to hug her.

"There is more," she whispered in his ear.

He released her and watched as she led him to his closet. Fatimè opened a cupboard, and there it was, sitting pretty—the 'Boadicea the Victorious Ardent' perfume. Kamal almost gasped—how did she know?

He couldn't contain his joy as he lifted her and spun her around. "You are the best wife ever!"

Fatimè giggled and silently thanked her sister-in-law, who had helped her choose the gift. "Wristwatches and perfumes," Hafsah had said. "He never has enough."

Fatimè thought Hafsah was exaggerating until she ventured into Kamal's room while he was out on an errand and saw the array of perfumes he had lined up in a drawer. No wonder he smelled like a billion bucks. She knew he was into wristwatches because he had mentioned it before—his wrist was rarely devoid of a stylish timepiece.

"Is this why Hafsah was asking me for perfume recommendations, claiming it was for someone?" Kamal inquired.

Fatimè made a 'zipping my mouth' sign with her hands.

"Is she seeing someone?" Kamal's protective brother mode kicked in.

Fatimè laughed, having witnessed this behavior from her brothers. "No, she is not," Fatimè reassured him. "Come..." She held his hand and led him to the sitting room.

Kamal wondered what surprise she had in store this time. She had already given him two of the best things ever and fulfilled his top wish list items. Any more would make his heart burst.

Upon seeing the setup in the sitting room, his mouth formed an 'O' of surprise. The Nintendo Switch console was placed next to the DSTV decoder.

"This woman will be the death of me," he exclaimed. "What am I going to do with you?" he asked playfully.

"You like it?" Fatimè asked sheepishly.

"Like? I love it!"

"Well, they say a console is the glue in every marriage."

Kamal laughed. "And by 'they,' you mean Fatimè Ardo, right?"

Fatimè nodded. "Just speaking facts."

An hour into the game, Kamal's hands found hers. She had grown accustomed to his touch by now—the gentle forehead kisses, hugs, and holding hands. She didn't mind them at all.

"Are you trying to distract me so I won't win?" she asked playfully when he poked her.

She turned to look at him, and he wore the most mischievous smile on his face—the 'I am going to tickle you' smile.

Oh no.

Oh no.

She hated tickles. If someone tried to tickle her, they might end up with a kick in the face.

Before she could utter a word, he had already launched his attack. The laughter that erupted was loud and pure. Kamal loved it; it was one of the most beautiful sounds he had ever heard. He would give anything to hear it echo throughout the house every day.

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