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Lagos, Nigeria.

30th July, 2018.

The only sound in the car was the soft hum from the radio, and Fatimè's hands remained firmly clasped in Kamal's for the past thirty minutes. Neither of them wanted to let go. Her head still rested on his shoulder as they pulled over at her office. She raised her head and adjusted her veil.

"I should be back in a week," he said, his voice tinged with reluctance. "Are you sure I shouldn't get Hafsah to come stay with you?"

"I'll be fine. Mrs. Simon is here," she assured him, handing him a sweater. "I forgot to pack this. With the rain and all, it'll be cold."

"Sure, thank you, baby," he replied, giving her a tender kiss on the forehead.


Fatimè stepped into the office, her footsteps slightly weary, the rich flowing fabric of her pink abaya sat gracefully around her frame. The intricate embroidery on the sleeves and hem added an elegant touch to the attire, showcasing her style even on days when exhaustion threatened to take over.

The room was filled with the scent of freshly brewed coffee mingling with the sound of a pen gliding across paper.

Adaeze looked up from her computer screen as Fatimè entered, her neatly styled weave cascading down her shoulders, framing her face with its sleekness.

Fatimè sighed, collapsing into the chair next to Adaeze's desk, "Ah Adaeze, you would not believe the day I have had..."

"You look stunning despite the tiredness," Adaeze remarked with a playful grin. "I swear you can make even a long day at a construction site look glamorous."

Fatimè chuckled, her exhaustion momentarily lifting as she appreciated Adaeze's compliment. "Trust me, there is nothing glamorous about negotiating with contractors or dealing with unexpected changes."

"What happened?" Adaeze asked.

"We have made some significant progress with the foundation. The structural engineer came through and was able to address those concerns we had last week..."

"That's good news," Adaeze said. "You are on track. What about the interior spaces? Did you manage to finalize the layout?"

Fatimè leaned back, a touch of frustration crossing her features, "Not quite yet. We had some unexpected changes from the client. They decided to incorporate additional rooms on the second floor, which meant we had to go back to the drawing board and reassess the entire floor plan. It has been a bit of a headache."

"I can only imagine," Adaeze empathized, "clients and their ever-changing demands."

"I know, right," Fatimè said, "I have been brainstorming some new ideas to accommodate the changes. It is going to require some adjustments, but I think we can create something even better than we already planned.

The conversation shifted gears, and they began discussing the upcoming design presentation they had scheduled with the client. 


Abuja, Nigeria.

30th July, 2018.

The room was filled with the soft hum of the air conditioner, creating a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere. Zahra was wrapped around Fahad, her arms holding him tightly. They enjoyed the peaceful moment until the sudden ring of a phone disrupted their tranquility.

Fahad reluctantly untangled himself from Zahra's embrace and reached for his phone. The caller's name displayed as "Madina." "Can we talk?" Madina's message popped up on the screen.

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