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Abuja, Nigeria.

7th December 2016.

Kamal stood in the middle of the restroom, rubbing his chin, lost in his thoughts. As he contemplated his next move, his phone buzzed insistently in his pocket. He initially considered ignoring it, frustrated with the incessant interruptions. But when the phone announced the caller, he quickly changed his mind and hastily left the restroom.

Outside, he pressed the answer button, and Abdul's voice boomed through the speaker. Kamal's irritation was palpable as he responded, "Abdul? Haba, now I have been following you for months let's seal this deal but all I get are excuses and more excuses."

Kamal had known Abdul for years and his lack of commitment, respect, and disregard for time was not new. The deal they were working on involved handling the logistics of medical supplies for a pharmaceutical company, a significant partnership that could elevate his business to new heights. Kamal had invested time, resources, and his reputation into securing this contract, but Abdul's constant delays were testing his patience.

"I'm sorry, man," Abdul apologized. "I have to accompany Mama to an important family engagement."

Kamal let out a weary sigh, running his hands through his hair. He knew he was at a crossroads. He could either cut ties with Abdul or find another solution, or he could reluctantly agree to Abdul's proposal. Deep down, he knew Abdul was the best man for the job, and finding a replacement would only lead to further delays and setbacks.

"Okay, let's do it this way," Abdul said. "We'll attend the event and seal the deal. What do you think?"

Abdul's suggestion wasn't ideal, but Kamal had no choice if he wanted to seize this opportunity. He needed Abdul's expertise and connections to make this project a success.

"Fine, send me the location," Kamal replied briefly before ending the call. Moments later, a message from Abdul with the details appeared on his phone screen. Kamal couldn't help but exclaim, "What?" in frustration.

Did Abdul expect him to travel to Gombe? It was inconvenient and would disrupt his carefully crafted plans. Kamal groaned, knowing that this was going to be a significant inconvenience.

With a resigned sigh, Kamal pocketed his phone and made his way back to the restroom. However, upon his return, he was met with an empty stall, exacerbating his frustration.

"Shit," he cursed under his breath, realizing that he would have to wait a little longer. Little did he know that this unexpected delay would set in motion a series of events that would change his life forever.


Fatimè plopped down onto a seat next to her cousin Madina, letting out a deep sigh. Madina turned to her, scoffing at her dramatic demeanor. "Walahi, you are funny," she said, rolling her eyes.

Fatimè ignored Madina's comment and pulled out her phone from her bag, seeking solace in the digital world. "And why do you look like you're going to a funeral?" Madina asked, taking a good look at her cousin.

Fatimè was dressed in all-black, from her abaya to her shoes and even her suitcase. On the other hand, Madina looked ready for a day out, wearing a vibrant floral gown with a turban and her signature red lipstick. Fatimè let out an exasperated sigh, "I'm in zombie mode here, please. And why on earth did you book us a morning flight?"

Fatimè was not a morning person at all. Left to her, she would start her day at noon. "Oh come on, Tims, how else do you expect us to get good lalle if we don't get there early? Besides, we've already missed the bridal shower, and Mufida is not happy about that."

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