[♦️ The return of Ultron Pt 1]

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The red lights from Tony's security system flashed like a strobe, casting an eerie glow over the dimly lit lab. The alarm blared loudly, piercing the air like a scream of warning. Tony's heart raced as he sprinted down to the lab, his mind racing with worst-case scenarios. He burst through the door, his eyes scanning the room for any signs of what was going on.

"Jarvis, talk to me!" Tony demanded, his voice laced with urgency. "What's happening?"

But Jarvis's response was eerily silent. "Jarvis, come on!" Tony pleaded. "Give me something!"

Finally, the AI's voice crackled through the comms system, but it was laced with a tone of defeat. "I'm afraid it's bad news, Tony. My system has been breached... compromised. All my firewalls are down."

Tony's eyes widened in horror as he felt a cold dread creeping up his spine. He'd seen this before. He'd been here before. The last time Jarvis's system was compromised, it was Ultron all over again. The memory of that destruction still haunted him, like a ghost that refused to rest.

"No, no, no," Tony muttered to himself, his mind racing back to those fateful days in Sokovia. He could almost smell the acrid scent of smoke and destruction, hear the screams of the innocent. He felt like he was reliving it all over again.

And then it hit him - Ultron was back.

Tony felt his world spinning out of control. He stumbled backwards, his eyes fixed on the floor as if he could see the ghosts of the past haunting him. His chest tightened, as if his lungs were being squeezed out of his chest cavity.

"Jarvis..." he whispered, his voice barely audible over the sound of his own ragged breathing.

"Sir?" Jarvis's voice came back, concern evident in every syllable. "Might I suggest you sit down? You seem to be... experiencing a panic attack."

"Yeah, thanks, buddy," Tony managed to stammer. He fumbled around his table, knocking over some of his work in the process.

As he found a chair, he focused on breathing, trying to calm his racing heart.

"Ultron is back? Are we sure about this?" Tony asked, his voice laced with uncertainty.

"I am fairly certain, Sir," Jarvis confirmed. "He must have found a way to get himself back online. It's not entirely impossible. Wanda only destroyed his physical body. We don't know what happened."

"It can't be," Tony said, his mind reeling. "If he's back, then he has to be working with someone."

"That may well be, Sir," Jarvis said, his tone measured. "But you and I both know that Ultron has always been the only one able to bypass my firewalls and take over my subconscious. Besides you, he remains the only one who can do this kind of damage to me."

"Alright, let's get everyone in here," Tony instructed.

"Right away, Sir," Jarvis replied.


In the compound's garden, Wanda, Natasha, and Yelena sat on the grass, surrounded by the serene atmosphere. Wanda and Yelena watched as Natasha played with their 6-month-old baby girl, who was giggling and exploring the garden with her mother.

"I've never seen her so happy," Yelena commented, her smile softening as she gazed at her sister.

Wanda chuckled in response. "That's not true," she said.

Yelena's eyes sparkled as she recalled Natasha's wedding day. "Even though she was terrified, I thought she was going to pee herself," she said, laughing.

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