[♦️The return of Ultron Pt 3]

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5 years later

A loud ringing pounded in Wanda's ears, making it difficult to focus as she opened her eyes. The sight that greeted her was one of utter devastation. The compound lay in ruins, a testament to the missiles that had rained down from a rogue aircraft. Distant screams pierced the ringing, jolting Wanda into action.

"Help! I'm trapped!" It was Diana's voice, faint but unmistakable. Her daughter's plea cut through the haze of pain throbbing in Wanda's head.

Wincing, Wanda pushed herself upright, hand instinctively flying to the source of the sharp pain at the back of her head. Blood slicked her fingers. Ignoring the growing ache, she focused on finding Diana. There, beneath the fallen debris, lay her little girl.

"Hold on, honey, I'm coming!" Wanda called out, her voice hoarse. Adrenaline surged through her, momentarily masking the throb in her head. Rushing towards Diana, Wanda used her powers to clear away the rubble, freeing her daughter.

Gently, Wanda lifted Diana's injured form. Escape was paramount, but the city offered no sanctuary. Chaos reigned supreme. An army of Visions rampaged through the streets, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. The air was filled with the panicked screams of fleeing citizens. Buildings lay in smoldering ruins, and the once mighty Avengers were scattered and wounded from the surprise attack. Through the throng, Wanda spotted Kate approaching, her face etched with fear.

"Are you guys okay? There was an explosion and then screaming, and I—" Kate stammered, her voice cracking with worry. Her eyes darted frantically around, searching for Yelena. "I couldn't find anyone! And Yelena, I don't know where she—"

"Hey, hey, slow down," Wanda interjected gently, placing a hand on Kate's shoulder. "Can you take Diana to safety for me? I'll find Yelena."

Relief flickered across Kate's face momentarily. She looked down at Diana, whose wide eyes held a mix of fear and pain.

"Are you alright, honey?" Wanda asked Diana softly.

Too scared and hurt to speak, Diana could only manage a weak nod.

"You'll be okay," Wanda reassured them both, forcing a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "Kate will take you somewhere safe."

"On my signal, you run," Wanda instructed, her voice firm despite the turmoil within. Kate nodded tightly, clutching Diana closer.

"Go!" Wanda yelled, her voice ringing out above the chaos. Kate sprinted away in the opposite direction, her gaze fixed on finding refuge.

With a determined glint in her eyes, Wanda turned and raced towards the heart of the destruction. She spotted Steve, struggling against one of the rampaging Visions, pinned to the ground. Without hesitation, Wanda unleashed a surge of energy, blasting the Vision away and freeing Steve.

"Thanks," Steve grunted, catching his breath.

"Where are the others?" Wanda asked urgently. The city's devastation weighed heavily on her, but finding her teammates was the priority.

"No idea," Steve replied, launching his shield at a nearby Vision with practiced precision before catching it effortlessly on its return. High above, Tony weaved through the airspace in his Iron Man suit, battling a swarm of Visions. Peter Parker, his youthful exuberance dampened by the situation, landed with a thud beside them.

"I used to think fighting robots was fun," Peter quipped, his voice strained. "But these guys are shooting pure energy blasts from the stones in their heads!" He fired a web at one Vision's ankle, yanking it back with surprising strength and sending the machine sprawling.

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