[♦️Bringing Her Back]

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3rd person Pov

A strangled gasp ripped Natasha from another agonizing dream. Wanda's voice, a desperate murmur pleading to be found, echoed in the darkness. It had been almost a year since the Snap, a year since Thanos stole half of all life, a year since Wanda's voice had gone silent. Tears streamed down Natasha's face as a familiar resolve hardened in her eyes. She wouldn't let the whispers haunt her anymore. It was time to act.

Ignoring the clock, she stormed down the hallway, each pounding fist on a door a desperate plea. Steve, Thor, Bruce, Clint, Tony—each was roused from their uneasy slumber by the relentless knocking.

"Romanoff, what the hell is wrong with you? It's 2 AM!" Tony's disgruntled voice echoed through the door.

"I don't care, Stark! Wake up!" Natasha roared back, her voice thick with emotion. "We have to find a way to bring them back. We have to bring her back."

A heavy silence followed. In the dim hallway, she saw no movement. Frustration mounting, she pulled out her gun and fired a single shot into the ceiling. The deafening crack shattered the stillness.

"Everybody up!" she bellowed. "If I'm not getting any sleep then neither are you!"

Startled figures emerged from their rooms, drawn by the gunshot. Natasha, a storm of grief and determination, marched towards the conference room.

"You guys get started on a plan," she called over her shoulder. "I'm making coffee. We're going to need it."

Clint mumbled under his breath, "Wonder why that would be."  The weight of Natasha's grief hung heavy in the air as the team gathered, their faces etched with concern and a glimmer of renewed hope.

A few minutes later, Natasha emerged from the kitchen, a tray laden with steaming mugs and peanut butter sandwiches. The aroma of coffee filled the room, a small comfort in the face of the immense task before them.

"Tony thinks he's cracked it," Steve announced, his voice tinged with cautious optimism.

Natasha's head snapped up, a flicker of hope battling with disbelief in her eyes. "Really? How?" she rasped, her voice hoarse from sleep deprivation and raw emotion.

Tony leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers. "We go back in time, snatch the Infinity Stones before Thanos does, use them to undo the Snap, then put the whole mess back where we found it."

Natasha frowned. "Wait, you're talking about..."

"Time travel," Bruce finished, his voice somber. "It's a gamble, but it's the only shot we have at bringing everyone back."

Steve acknowledged the inherent risks. "But how do we even begin? Building a time machine is one thing, but navigating the complexities of time itself..."

A sly grin spread across Tony's face. "Actually, gentlemen, I might have just the trick up my sleeve." He gestured towards a holographic display flickering to life above the table. It depicted a sleek, intricate device unlike anything they'd ever seen. "Behold, the Mark 1 Temporal Positioning Matrix, or 'Time-GPS' for short."

A collective gasp filled the room. Hope, tentative and fragile, flickered in their eyes.

"This little beauty," Tony continued, his voice brimming with excitement, "can track temporal fluctuations and pinpoint the exact locations of the Infinity Stones across time. No more blind jumps or messing with the timestream."

"One shot," Bruce stated, his voice heavy. "We get one shot to leave, complete the mission, and return. No room for error."

Natasha stared at the steaming mug in her hand, its warmth a stark contrast to the icy dread that gripped her heart. This was it. A chance to rewrite the ending, a chance to bring Wanda back. But the weight of the consequences, the potential for failure, threatened to crush her. Yet, amidst the fear, a tiny ember of hope flickered to life. It was a long shot, a perilous gamble, but it was their only chance.

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