[♦️Widows Fight]

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3rd person pov

"Why?" Yelena asked her sister, her voice laced with anger and frustration. She had asked Natasha the same question multiple times, but the answer remained the same.

Natasha's expression turned cold; her brow furrowed in annoyance. "Because I'm your older sister and I said so." she replied curtly.

Yelena scoffed. "So what?" she challenged, pushing her sister further.

Wanda watched the escalating argument, unsure of how to intervene and calm the two sisters down. The tension between them had been building since they reunited in Budapest.

Natasha's anger grew, her jaw clenched, and her nose flared as she breathed heavily. "Don't yell at me, Yelena!" she ordered, her voice rising.

Yelena crossed her arms over her chest, her expression unyielding. "I'll yell at you all I want! You've been yelling at me since you arrived in Budapest," she shot back.

"I'm not going to join you and those Avengers or whatever you think is going to happen," Yelena said firmly, unmoved by Natasha's words. "You didn't want to come and help me in the first place, so don't expect me to follow you into danger again." If Natasha thought she could manipulate Yelena into going along with her plans, she was mistaken. Yelena was resolute: she wasn't moving, and that was final.

"You are coming with me to meet the team and you're going to like it!" Natasha practically growled, her voice cold and commanding.

Yelena took a step back, her eyes welling up with tears as she stared at her sister. Natasha's face remained impassive, devoid of any emotion.

"God, I hate you!" Yelena blurted out before she could stop herself.

"Lena—" Wanda tried to intervene, but Yelena continued, her words spilling out in a torrent.

"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I wish you'd never come here! I wish I'd never sent you that damn antidote!" Yelena yelled, her anger and frustration boiling over.

"Lena!" Wanda tried to calm her down, but Yelena wouldn't be silenced.

The hurt in Natasha's eyes was palpable as she glared at her sister. Never had she expected to hear those words from her own flesh and blood. Her voice dripped with venom as she spoke.

"I hate you right back, you little shit! You and Dreykov took my whole life from me, and you couldn't just leave me alone when I was trying my hardest to get it back!" Natasha yelled at Yelena, her words cutting deep.

Yelena and Wanda's faces reflected shock at Natasha's outburst.

"Natasha, that's enough!" Wanda finally spoke up, her voice laced with disappointment at Natasha's behavior.

Yelena's soft sniffing broke Natasha's heart. She hadn't meant to argue with her sister; she never had. Before she could say anything, Yelena stood up, clutching her vodka bottle to her chest, and left the living room.

"Lena—" Natasha called out calmly, but Yelena shook her head and kept walking.


"Lena, please—" Natasha pleaded, her voice desperate.

"No." The only response was the sound of the bedroom door slamming shut.

"I'm sorry, I didn't—" Wanda held up her hand, silencing Natasha. The disappointed look on Wanda's face was a stark reminder of Natasha's mistake. Wanda shook her head and followed Yelena into the bedroom.

Inside, she found Yelena sitting on the floor, the vodka bottle hovering in mid-air as she took a swig. "You know I came in here because I didn't want to talk," Yelena stated dryly.

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