[♦️Wanda is sick/ alt ending]

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3rd person pov

Natasha and Yelena rushed into Wanda's ward, their minds racing with worst-case scenarios. Dr. Maggie Pierce was standing beside Wanda's bed, her brow furrowed in concentration as she listened to Wanda's heart. Natasha dropped her bag immediately and hurried over to Wanda's side.

"Doc, what's going on? Is she okay?" Natasha asked, her eyes darting between the monitors and the doctor. The room fell silent for a moment before Dr. Pierce looked down at Wanda with a small smile.

Just then, Yelena burst out, "Wanda, I swear to God if you die here—" She rubbed her temple tiredly.

"Yelena," Natasha warned, her voice stern. "Shut up and let the doctor speak, will you?"

Dr. Pierce couldn't help but chuckle at the siblings' antics. It was always like this since the day they arrived with Wanda - Natasha, the older and more serious one, and Yelena, the younger and more dramatic one.

Yelena pouted and slouched into her chair, crossing her arms over her chest. For a moment, she remained silent, allowing Dr. Pierce to continue.

"You want to tell them or should I?" Dr. Pierce asked.

Wanda nodded, looking up at her wife with barely contained excitement.

"What? Tell us what?" Natasha asked.

"I can get out of here, Nova." Wanda said, beaming with joy. "I can go home!"

As Wanda delivered the news, a look of disbelief crossed her wife's and sister-in-law's faces as they exchanged glances between her and Dr. Pierce. Natasha let out a sigh of relief, her eyes shining with excitement.

Wanda could come home. Her wife could come home.

"Finally!" Yelena groans, "God, I cannot take anymore of Natasha's whining!"

"Oh my God, Yelena. Get out!"

A grin appears on Yelena's face. She sits up from her chair and crosses one leg over the other.

"You're welcome to try and make me but I can assure you, it'll hurt. For you at least." Yelena replied. Wanda stifled a laugh and Natasha smiled at the sound of her laughter.

"I'm gonna go ahead and get the discharge papers, after that you're good to go." Dr. Pierce excused herself. It was probably not a good idea to be in the room with two deadly assassins about to fight.

"Thanks, Doc."

Dr. Pierce returned to Wanda's room. She handed Natasha the discharge papers to sign while she removes Wanda's IV's and everything else that was connect to her.

"Now, if you start to feel weird or anything you shouldn't, you have to come back." Dr. Pierce's tone was firm as she gave out the instruction.

"I'll make sure she does." Natasha replied. They say their goodbye to the doctor and Natasha drove them back to the compound.

"The team has this whole welcome thing planned. Do you feel up to it?" Natasha asked and Wanda looks down, tugging at her sweater. She didn't want to seem ungrateful or unappreciative but that was the last thing she wanted.

"Sure. I'll sneak you in the back."


Wanda entered her room with Natasha behind her. She flopped dramatically on the bed with a loud sigh, glad to finally be in her room again. Natasha set the bags down and picked up the paper with instructions written by Dr. Pierce.

"Okay, so the doctor gave me a bunch of medicine and then—"

She was cut off by Wanda's soft lips on hers. Natasha's eyes fluttered closed as she melted into the kiss, her heart racing with joy and relief. Her hands cradled the back of Wanda's head, holding her close as their lips moved in a gentle dance. The world around them melted away, leaving only the two of them, lost in the warmth of their love.

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