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This was supposed to be the cure to your hangover but I took too damn long haha. Extra long chapter though! @pseudonym_laurice


Chaeyoung kept having visions again, of the darkness unleashing. She felt nervous about them but they were only a small percentage of all the possibilities that could happen so she shoved them aside. The probability of them happening was almost slim to none right now so she shrugged them away.

Chaeyoung was watching Jisoo shoot her arrows in her heavenly realm, she had gotten very good at archery by now. Chaeyoung smiled to herself as Jisoo shot and split arrow after arrow right down the middle as she kept shooting. She had perfect aim.

Chaeyoung walked up to her once she finally ran out of arrows in her quiver. Chaeyoung was about to jump into her arms when she felt a shift, her chest felt heavy, she felt the darkness again. She had another vision. Sometimes she had awful ones that made her cry because they were so sad but this one was different, it hit her chest like a truck and she could barely breathe.

"Love?" Jisoo asked, she had just turned around and noticed Chaeyoung clutching her chest.

Chaeyoung couldn't even answer, the vision was so powerful and painful that she could barely hear.

Jisoo waited patiently for Chaeyoung's eyes to turn back to normal, knowing she was having a vision. Jisoo figured she was witnessing another tragic lifetime because Chaeyoung was shaking. She did that sometimes when they were painful and too much for her to take.

Jisoo rubbed the sides of her arms up and down, doing her best to soothe her while she went through it.

"Jisoo." Chaeyoung gasped immediately once her vision finally cleared. "Something's changed."

"What changed? What's wrong, what happened?" Jisoo said hurriedly because the look on Chaeyoung's face said whatever changed was not good, at all.

"Their last lifetime. They're about to go through their last lifetime. Jennie and Lisa. This is their last lifetime, and we're not there anymore. We don't go through it with them. It changed."

"What do you mean?"

"Their lifetime in that village. Do you remember, when they practically adopted those four kids? We're not with them in that lifetime anymore. It's changed and now it's going to be their last because something awful happens and Hades is going to find Jennie! The darkness will take over when he takes her!" Chaeyoung said in a panic. "I don't know what happened. I can't see why we're not there anymore."

"It's okay love. Breathe." Jisoo said, rubbing Chaeyoung's arms up and down in a soothing motion. "We can figure it out right? We just need to figure out what changed and maybe you can fix it?"

Chaeyoung and Jisoo both went to the bridge to watch the new reality of that lifetime.

"We have to fix it. Something changed because we weren't there." Chaeyoung said worriedly. "Hades finds Jennie because we're not there to influence something I think. If we don't fix it everything will be consumed by darkness when he takes her."

"How much time do we have to figure it out?"

"I'm not sure, but it's not a lot. Let's just start from here. Their lives usually start to end as soon as they realize they're in love. Something must have been too significant this time and it changed the course of their future."


Jennie was incredibly excited to show the kids and Lisa what she had just gotten.

Lisa was so good at catching things in the river that for the last few months Jennie was able to go into town and sell the fish Lisa would catch that they didn't use to feed the kids, she always caught so much they actually had a surplus and because the war was at its peak no one even cared they were buying from Jennie. Too many people were starving and they stopped shunning Jennie despite the fact she was the baker's ostracized daughter.

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