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This was supposed to be out a few hours ago because it was supposed to be a double update but you guys can blame the baby sister for making me help with her college applications for like ever and then distracting me by asking me random trivia questions to see if I could answer them for like two whole hours soooo yeah. Come for her not for me.

Anyways, carry on.


The earth quaked as Hermes brought Poseidon first. The sea god opened up a rift in the earth, creating a massive earthquake and thousands of demons fell into the deep earth as Poseidon, who looked on the verge of collapsing from fighting them on his own for too long, closed the earth around them and sealed them in, leaving them to suffocate.

Aphrodite had already known that if she was to be summoned, she was to take the opposite side of the battle, directly across from Dionysus, considering they had similar influencing powers over the demons. So she sprinted as soon as Hermes brought her into the living realm and took the east side, right across from Dionysus as she tried to perform her love magic.

While Dionysus made the "demon zombie thingies," as he would call them every time he told Athena he was getting nowhere with them as they went crazy on one end, Aphrodite radiated her charm, exuding her powers as best she could and watched as the demon's faces went slack and then smiled, which if you asked Aphrodite, she would have said looked more like a grimace than a smile and she wished she'd had it in her to actually get close and just stab them because she didn't believe in ugliness, not until she had seen a demon for the first time.

They were ugly through and through, in looks, and personalities and the goddess of love and beauty couldn't stand for it. She saw the beauty in everything and there was just no beauty, inside or out in them so she was disgusted by them.

She'd never seen such ugly creatures in her life until she saw one for the first time and she hated that Athena had thought she could fight them with her presence. She hadn't believed it, considering she'd avoided demons like the plague after the first one she had ever seen, but this was too important so she reluctantly obliged when Athena told her she was one of the last back up plans.

Despite being disgusted at being around beings that were the polar opposites of her nature, angry and not loving, ugly and not beautiful in any way, she was glad that at least her magic was working on them because they stopped fighting anything.

They started walking around like "clueless demon zombie thingies," which is what Dionysus said when he noticed Aphrodite was getting nowhere with them either. He was under the impression that Aphrodite was organizing a demon zombie orgy for them so he shook his head and pouted for her in disappointment because in his eyes she wasn't having any luck at Athena's tasks for them either.

Aphrodite smiled to herself at the fact he was so upset for her 'failed orgy.' She may have her head in the clouds and daydreamed about love most of her life, but she was a little more aware than Dionysus.

She didn't care about the trivial things so she hardly paid attention during Olympian council meetings but unlike him, she knew this was a huge deal and had actually tuned in and she found it funny how he was still just so himself in the middle of a raging war and the fact he didn't realize he wasn't there to invite party guests and that she wasn't there to make a demon orgy for peace, despite him being an immortal god, he would probably never grow up and she loved him for it.

Dionysus and Aphrodite started incapacitating the demons enough with their mere presence for the twins to drive arrows through them easily from the Spiritual Realm. Their arrows zipped through the air, six at a time, cutting down a dozen demons every five seconds between the both of them as Artemis covered for Aphrodite and Apollo covered Dionysus.

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