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Finally got around to working in the Twelve Olympians into the story, which is ironic because this was originally supposed to be a Jenlisa x Greek Mythology crossover but as per usual, the story got away from me lol.

I apologize for seeming like I have abandoned this. I have never, or will ever, and will absolutely see it to the end no matter how long it takes me. Hopefully not too long. Its my favorite one, but also requires the most work because it's the most complicated to write so forgive me for seeming neglectful.

Chapter went off a bit on a tangent but its sort of necessary so bear with me?

We'll get to the Jenlisa fluff soon. Maybe. I think? Idk. Don't trust me or my brain it doesn't know what its doing.


"It's time." Chaeyoung told Jisoo. She had spent an entire month in the Spiritual Realm sifting through the timelines right before Jennie turned sixteen the next day, trying to make sure Jennie had grown strong enough. Thank goodness for time moving so differently in all of the realms.

She needed to see if Jennie really had weakened Hades—or really, the Black—by seeping his power away enough with her mere presence and absorbing it into herself. For that she needed time, she had to look at every possibility to be sure, as sure as she could be with a convoluted ever changing future anyway.

Jennie's human sixteenth birthday was tomorrow. She aged in time with the living realm even though she resided in the Underworld because she was technically still mortal—mostly. After doing her due diligence, Chaeyoung realized that she had been right after all.

Sixteen years had been enough. Jennie was that powerful, even as a sort of mortal. Despite not doing anything other than existing in the underworld, she had weakened Hades enough that Jisoo's Gods could possibly take him on.

Jisoo nodded in acknowledgement. They'd spent centuries in the heavenly realm preparing for this and she knew this was as ready as they'd ever be. The Gods had grown to learn to use the powers Jennie had bestowed upon them and over time they had become even more powerful. It was now or never.

"Be careful love." Chaeyoung told her, hugging her tightly and giving her a deep kiss. She was afraid for her. Jisoo was going to go to battle with Hades, a being almost as powerful as Jennie because it was half of her so he had almost the same raw power.

Despite him ripping himself away from her and splitting their soul in half in the process, it was obvious he still drew his power from her. Chaeyoung doubted Hades truly had a soul though, she'd come to suspect he had just latched on to Jennie's soul, like a parasite when they were born. The more time passed the more Chaeyoung stopped thinking they were two halves of one, it was more like a whole that was leeched upon by something sinister.

And unlike Jennie, he was ruthless, and it made him that much more dangerous because his ultimate goal was to leave nothing behind except himself and Chaeyoung couldn't do anything about stopping him, she couldn't do anything to help them fight him because of the bind of her powers.

"You be careful." Jisoo said adamantly. "We'll be right behind you, any sign of trouble and I'll rip him to pieces myself."

Jisoo hated that Chaeyoung had to go with them too but it was the only way, she was essential to the battle plan to capture Hades, according to Athena.

After being infused with Jennie's power, the Gods had their own strengths now, their own individual powers, though some of their powers overlapped, for the most part they were based on their personalities or what they as celestial creatures valued the most.

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