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@pseudonym_laurice Because you always seem to have power over me updating lol. Since you asked, here you go.


Before creation, in the very beginning, or was it the end? There was a void. Nothingness. There was no color. No white or black or any color in between. No suffocation. No breathing. There was simply nothing. Emptiness. Non-existence, without air or life or staleness or death or suffering or happiness. Unfathomable nothingness. No Sentient beings that could observe the unfathomable nothingness of it all, that could observe the unobservable because there was literally nothing there.

Out of this unfathomable nothingness, an inexplicable, impossible, and stubborn blue sprouted. It sparked and died and worked and fought and suddenly the spark of blue was bathed in a depth of black when it succeeded to stay shining.

The blue sparked for an eternity, or less, or more. There was no time. Time did not exist to the sea of black and a small blue spark born out of nothingness.

The blue spark annoyed the sudden black that enveloped it with its existence. The black didn't like the light of it. The black suddenly descended in on itself, compressing into a spark of red and black. It broiled and fought and chased the blue in anger because it was the blue's fault the black was suddenly not so big, it suddenly didn't encompass everything. It was just a spark and now they were enveloped in a sea of sparkling silver and the red and black spark didn't like its brightness either.

The red and black chased and chased the blue for another eternity, or less, or more until it almost caught the blue but the radiant silver compressed and came between them right before it could. The sparks stopped chasing each other, momentarily fascinated by the newly born silver spark.

The silver and blue began to move in sync in the void after that, merging with each other. No other color surrounded them now. They were back with only themselves surrounded by nothingness again and suddenly the red and black spark was lonely. It had no purpose, now that it was no longer chasing the blue.

As was its nature, it raged and raged and grew, attempting to consume everything. Suddenly there was gold flecks when the black and red grew too big, when it grew too lonely and wanted to suffocate all of the light.

The gold was too bright, the red and black spark thought. It wanted to extinguish it. The silver had already stolen one purpose, the gold would stand in its way too just like the silver had, the red and black just knew it. All the red and black wanted was to be something, it wanted to grow, it wanted to escape the despair it suddenly felt as the non time passed because the growing realization that it was different than the other sparks consumed it.

The red and black expanded in anger and raged and tried to extinguish the gold but as soon as they touched their colors melded together in a fire of red, black, and golden specks.

Suddenly the sparks created.

Suddenly something was borne out of nothingness as soon as they met.

They flew towards the silver and blue, which had already become one. There was a sudden explosion of colors borne out of the blue, silver, red and black, and gold, exploding into even more impossibilities.

They created themselves over an eternity, or less, or more.

Deep blue lights created Jisoo.


Red and Black sparks became Jennie.


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