21| The Alpha Vampire Again

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"I was eight," the young woman was explaining. "My mom left me at the playground while she ran to the store. A man approached me and said I was the prettiest girl there. And I've been living with these... things... ever since. At least until now."

My heart clenched in my chest hearing her story. She had only been a couple years older than Maddie. I could never bear it if I left Maddie somewhere like that and she were to be kidnapped and raised by monsters for years. Though, given that Dean and I were her parents, the odds of monsters getting away with that would be practically impossible.

"Do you have any idea why?" Sam asked her gently.

"I'm one of his special girls," she replied. "All the others, it was their job to make sure I was ready for the Alpha, whenever he came. Wash me... give me my IV bags every day. It's my only food. So my blood's pure."

"They've been doing this for, what, 12 years?" Dean asked.

I felt like I was going to be sick.

"Virgins are a delicacy. He always has at least one of us on hand."

Definitely going to be sick.

"Well, don't worry, okay?" Sam said. "We're gonna get you back to your mother."

"Think she remembers me?"

"Of course she does. Don't you remember her?"

The young woman shook her head. Dean reached out, grabbing my hand to ground me as I started hyperventilating a little.

"Hey, these, uh... these guys," he nodded to the three dead vamps on the table. "They, uh, friends of yours?"

"They take care of the alpha when he's here," she explained. "Or did."

"What happened to them?" Sam asked.

"A week ago, they came back from what they said was an easy hunt. Three humans just came, didn't put up any fight. But when they started on them, the vampires screamed in pain. The ones who ate died immediately."

"And the ones who didn't?"

"There was only one. When he saw what happened, he moved to animals. He's out hunting as we speak."

"Never heard of vamps being allergic to humans before," I spoke up finally, concentrating on the feeling of Dean's thumb rubbing circles on the back of my hand.

"You think maybe it's the corn syrup?" Sam suggested. "I mean, think about it. The Gas N' Sip was lousy with stoners. All ripe for the picking."

"She did say it was an easy hunt," Dean shrugged.

"Do you know where the alpha is now?" Sam addressed the young woman.

"I don't know. Maybe. He has a place he goes when something's wrong. He calls it his retreat."


"What is that?" the young woman asked, staring curiously at Sam's phone.

"That's, uh, that's Sam's douche tracker," Dean said. "Helps us find the alpha. All we need's an address."

"I don't know. But I remember things that maybe can help."

"That's okay. Just do the best you can."

After taking blood from one of the people who was stoned on corn syrup, Emily continued to try and help us find the alpha's retreat.

"When they hauled you off to vamp camp, do you remember how long the drive was?" Dean asked.

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