83| The Untimely Death of Kevin Tran

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We ended up tracking down Cass on our next case. Naomi had been killed, but another angel, Bartholomew, was recruiting angels and reapers to go after Cass. When we finally found him with a little help from Zeke, he was with a reaper named April. She killed him, but Zeke brought him back. When we got back to the Bunker, Zeke informed Dean and I that Cass had to leave or he would have to stop possessing Sam. So, reluctantly, we sent Cass on his way.

After that, we ended up dealing with Dorothy and the Wicked Witch of the West... as in from the Wizard of Oz, which, apparently, was a real place. Charlie had come over to help us with an old computer that was what locked the Bunker down when the angels fell. After killing the witch, she ended up going to Oz with Dorothy. Then, Sam found a case where it turned out a man with cancer was using witchcraft to eat animal parts and try and cure himself. After, Cass called Dean with a case, so while we stayed behind and did research to translate Kevin's translations, he took off to see what was going on.

After that, we helped out an old friend of Dean's with a haunting at a home for boys that he had spent some time at as a teenager. It happened a few months before my 15th birthday and Sam and I were both surprised we didn't know anything about it. The next case was given to us by Jody Mills. The goddess Vesta was killing virgins. Then we ran into Cass again, because there was angel-on-angel killings. There were apparently more factions of angels than just the ones following Bartholomew.

Dean and I started freaking out on that case, because Cass found out the angel Ezekiel was dead- he'd been killed in the fall. So we needed to get Sam to expel whoever the angel was that was possessing him...

"Hey, where you been?" I asked Sam as he was shelving beers in the fridge.

"Hey. Beer run."

"Long beer run. Can we talk?"

"Yeah. Uh, sure."

Sam followed me into the store room.

"This sounds serious."

Taking a deep breath, I shut the door behind Sam, slashing my palm and slapping it to the door where we'd drawn the sigil Kevin found for us. Sam turned to face me, startled.

"What's going on? What are you doing?"

"I got to tell you some stuff fast. It's gonna piss you off."


"Those trials really messed you up."

"Yeah, I know El-" he began.

"No, you don't," I shook my head. "I mean messed you up like almost dead. No more birthdays, dust to dust. Well, that messed me and Dean up, so we made a move, a tough move about you without talking it over because you were in a coma."

"Wait, what? When?"

"You were in the hospital, okay, and they said you were gonna die."

"What did you do?"

I paused, moving my mouth silently as I tried to find the words. Dean had wanted to be present for this, but I had insisted I do it, since I gave the angel the green light.

"I let an angel in."

"In what?" Sam demanded.

"In you. He said he could heal you, and he is."

"He's still in me? Wait," he laughed. "That's impossible, Ellie. That couldn't happen. I never invited him in."

"I tricked you into saying yes. Dean was hesitant about it, but it seemed like the only way."

Sam looked at me, dumbstruck.

"S-seriously? I... I've come to expect this from Dean, but you, Ellie? You seriously decided to take control of my decisions?"

"No, I did what I had to do! You wouldn't have agreed to it, and you would have died!"

"Well, maybe I would have liked the choice, at least."

"We can do this- later. You can- you can kick my ass all you want. Right now, we got bigger problems."


"The angel lied to Dean and me. Okay? He- he's not who he says he was. He said his name was Ezekiel. Cool guy, according to Cass, but it's not Ezekiel."

"Who is he?" Sam asked.

"I don't know. Apparently, Ezekiel is dead. Whoever this guy is can end you in a heartbeat if he wants to, so you have got to dump him," I said desperately, pausing. "Are you hearing what I'm saying? Dean and I think you're well enough now, but you got to expel him. Sam? Sam-"

Sam pushed past me to leave.

"Hey!" I called to him.

Turning, he pulled his fist back and punched my hard in the face, sending to me to the ground. Dazed, I groaned, taking me a moment to get myself together enough to get to my feet and chase after Sam. When I did manage to get out of the room and down the hall, I rounded the corner as Kevin's scream met my ears. My eyes widened as I saw white light flooding out of Kevin via his eyes.

"No! No! No! No! Kevin?!"

"Ellie, what-"

Dean stopped in his tracks as I rushed forward, Kevin's body dropping to the floor. Sam raised a hand, a force holding Dean and I back from Kevin.

"Sam?" I choked out.

"There is no more Sam," the angel said, moving his hand.

Dean and I both gasped in pain, collapsing to the floor.

"But I played him convincingly, I thought."

"How did you..."

"I heard you talk with Kevin Tran tonight," the angel explained, moving to pack a bag as he talked. "Alter a sigil... even the slightest... alter the spell."

He held up his hand, showing us dust on his fingers.

"Sorry about Kevin, but ultimately... it's for the best. I did what I had to."

After placing a yellow card on Kevin's chest, the angel walked out of the room. As he moved toward the stairs, Dean and I were both released from the force and we both gasped. The sound of the Bunker door shutting met our ears, but neither of us paid it any mind.

"Kevin? Kevin?" Dean's voice broke.

I felt tears slip down my cheeks as I fell back against Dean, staring at Kevin's lifeless body.

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