Chapter 8

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Eric had taken back roads, made U-turns and sped up on the side streets in order to shake their pursuer. As they entered the neighborhood, they came to a four-way stop. A middle-aged man crossed the street, and his eyes met Daniel's for a moment.

Daniel shook his head at the feeling of paranoia. He was pretty sure that whoever had been pursuing them was still out there somewhere.

As they turned onto Jessie's street, there was a man on a riding mower cutting the grass at the corner house. Daniel watched him carefully, but as they passed by, it was clear there was nothing unusual.

By the time they got to Jessie's house, it was close to noon, but Daniel was not hungry. The strange device Eric used had made him queasy, and the fact the e-mail sent from his old friend was somehow connecting these recent events had an unsettling effect.

They parked in Jessie's driveway and stepped out of the car. Looking around, they saw a sprinkler on across the street, but no other activity. It seemed this ordinary, quiet neighborhood was going about its normal business for a Wednesday. Eric took out a key and opened Jessie's door.

"Come on," Eric said. "She's at work; let's raid her fridge and wait till she gets home."

Daniel smiled wryly and followed him inside.

Jessie's house was nice, but it lacked the flair of a woman who had a lot of time to decorate. She was very partial to lime green and used it wherever she could, which unfortunately was everywhere. The living room was comfortable; as were most of the rooms in her house. Jessie seemed to favor comfort over style. Daniel always enjoyed visiting his sister and regretted that it took a situation like this to bring him here.

With her recent divorce, she had become more conservative with spending money, Daniel noticed. No doubt because of the legal fees from which she was still recovering.

"Wow, look at this room, Dan," Eric called from down the hallway.

As Daniel approached, he noticed it was some kind of home office. It was lavish with the latest equipment and state-of-the-art computer hardware. There was an impressive array of digital media, as well as networking cables, ports, routers and a dozen or so components Daniel couldn't identify. Many of the lights were on—some blinking—and there was a shoebox-shaped dark purple device that hummed. Flat panel monitors adorned her desks, as if one weren't enough. And on one desk, she had three in a row.

Suddenly, Eric's cell phone rang.

"Sheppard," he answered.

As the caller spoke, Eric wandered out of the room and back down the hall.

Daniel took the opportunity to use Jessie's land line to call his parish and check in. Things weren't getting done. Kate Kondell was sponsoring a fundraiser that was behind schedule, but due to pull in thousands of dollars—much needed for the parish. He also remembered his conversation with Grace, and knew Rosary Wish needed his attention. Daniel once again felt anger and resentment set in at the thought of these strange events interfering with his work.

And now he felt as though he were being pulled away.

He finished his phone call and wandered into the kitchen, where Eric was making some turkey sandwiches.

"Jessica is eating meat now?" Daniel asked in surprise. "I wouldn't have expected any sort of deli meat in her fridge."

"You really need to visit more often," Eric said. "Ever since mom and dad moved to Europe we don't get together the way we used to. It's a shame. Anyway, she's been back on meat for a while now. Her fridge is pretty bare, but I found some food."

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