Chapter 48

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The TCW accounting offices were moderately sized but with nice amenities. Located on the fifth floor within the Chicago Merchandise Mart, near the Chicago River, the view was spectacular. The corner conference room in which they waited had large glass walls that allowed them to see a surprising amount of the city.

Cavanaugh enjoyed downtown Chicago, although it had been a while since he had been here.

He looked down on the city below him, taking pride in his work and in his service to the world. He always made a point to be mindful that law and order did not happen automatically. It took time and effort by people like him to ensure that peace and stability remained in place.

His thoughts were interrupted as the door opened, emitting Dharma and Heller. The girl had said she needed to use the bathroom, so he asked Heller to wait outside and then escort her back to the conference room.

He turned away from the window and made his way back to Heller and Dharma.

"Do you want a soda or coffee or anything?"

"No, thanks," Heller said.

Dharma shook her head.

"I'll be right back," Cavanaugh said.

He exited the room. Down the hallway, near a six pack of cubicles, there was a medium-size credenza with coffee and bagels. Raines was there, stirring a Styrofoam coffee cup.

He looked up at Cavanaugh as he approached.

"Any sign of Devon?" Cavanaugh asked, pouring himself a cup.

"No," Raines said. "But I did see Heller and the girl walk past me toward you."


Raines looked annoyed, "You were right about Heller. He was actually holding her hand as they made their way back to you. It made me want to throw up. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but they were talking to each other. She's probably trying to convert him."

Cavanaugh nodded, "Well it doesn't matter. This will all be over soon."

"We'd better hope so," Raines said angrily. "If she were a grown man, you can bet this wouldn't be a problem."

Just then, Devon Joseph emerged from a nearby room, and as the door opened, they heard the sounds of loud voices accompanied by random laughter.

Devon had a round face, dark hair and glasses. He was well-dressed and carried himself with an air of arrogant intelligence. Cavanaugh always thought he was competent—certainly not perfect—but he had his uses. And since he was a member of the Chaos Wave, he had Cavanaugh's respect.

Devon spotted Cavanaugh and Raines and made his way over to them.

"Tom," he shook Cavanaugh's hand.

"Devon," Cavanaugh said, motioning to Raines. "This is Scott Raines."

Devon regarded Raines darkly, "Yes, I've heard of you." He shook his hand softly.

He looked back at Cavanaugh and said, "You two have been causing a lot of trouble, I hear."

"The trouble isn't our making," Cavanaugh said. "But it's nothing we can't handle. We brought the girl. I'm assuming Mr. Darcie briefed you on the situation?"

"He did. Where is she?"

Cavanaugh motioned to the conference room, and they began walking that way.

As they walked, Devon casually said, "Mr. Darcie was very clear on his instructions. He asked me to talk to her and to report back to him with what I find. There will undoubtedly be weaknesses in her group's position that we can exploit. These cults always start out with a lot of energy, but they fizzle over time. When you shine the light of truth on them, they scatter like cockroaches."

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